VUMC Core Administration

Contact a Core Administrator:
Core Pod 1                Core Pod 2             Core Pod 3        ​Core Pod 4
Kevin Cheatham      Laura Elgin            Alisa Escue      Jessie Pirtle

Core Pods:
Download a detailed list of VUMC cores supported by OOR Core Administration.

Looking for all core listings?  Click here.

Vanderbilt University Core Administration:

VUMC OOR Guidelines for Core Operations

The VUMC Office of Research has developed guidelines for core operations, intended to provide shared resource and core facility leaders with crucial policy and regulatory information.  All shared resources and core facilities should adhere to these guidelines to ensure operations are in compliance with both federal and Vanderbilt policies.  The VUMC Office of Research is available to provide business planning, policy guidance and invoicing support services to all shared resources/core facilities.   

VUMC Guidelines for Research Shared Resources and Core Facilities (VUNet ID and password required)

VUMC Scholarship Redemption Guidelines (VUNet ID and password required)

Other Policies and Guidelines

Please contact Susan Meyn in the Office of Research with any questions or requests for additional information.

Vanderbilt University Medical Center Service Center policy
Federal Assistance Reform 2 C.F.R 200: Uniform Guidance
FAQs for Costing of NIH-Funded Core Facilities

VUMC Core Policies:


Presentation: Guidelines for Core Directors working with Vendors

Core Business Processes & Procedures

  • Annual Rate Approval & Implementation Schedule

    Cores may implement new rates as early as July 1 of each year. All rates must be approved by September 30 of each year with an effective date no later than November 1. Any non-compliant cores may be asked to cease operations, and the iLab site may be disabled until approved rates are on file. Core rate workbooks should be submitted to the Office of Research the first week of June to allow time to review and approve the proposed rates in time for the June 30th deadline.


    Rate Calculation Guidelines:

    • Rate Calculation Methodology:  All rate documents should show the calculated full cost of the services and the calculated billable rate. The full cost should include any grant or institutional funding that offsets the cost of each core service.  The calculated billable rate should reflect only the direct expenses paid by the core’s recharge center.  
    • Rate Change Communication: As core rates change, users should be notified via email. Internal users should have access to view core rates. All pricing in iLab can be set to ‘visible’ to allow users to view current rates. Contact to review or adjust your iLab site settings.
    • Federal Salary Cap: Any salary amounts over the cap cannot be budgeted to a core recharge center. Core Leaders should consult with the Office of Research on appropriate ways to manage salary over the cap and core cost centers.
    • Fringe Rates: Only the federal fringe rate can be recovered in core rates.

    General Template: Service Fee Workbook

  • Reporting tools are available in Workday to facilitate financial and administrative oversight of the shared resources and core facilities. 

    Workday reports are listed on the Department Finance Reports landing page in Workday. Visit the Workday Training Hub for detailed Workday guides.

    Workday Report Names:

     Department Transaction ReportTransaction level detail from the General Ledger. Where appropriate, include links to purchase orders, expense reports, and supplier invoices. Returns summary information on payroll journals. Similar to legacy report MD091 from eDog.
     Department Transaction SummaryProvides balance level information by account and period for the selected fiscal year. It can be run by organization, account, or account type. Drill into detailed transaction information directly from the summary. Similar to legacy report Transaction Summary from BI LaunchPad.
    Find Purchase Order by Organization  with Balance 
     Invoice Payment Status for My  OrganizationsThis cost center-based report is intended for departments to track the payment status of invoices for both sponsor invoices and/or customer invoices.  Run the report for a specific cost center and find all invoices created and status of payment for that invoice.
     CR - Center Account DetailedWritten from PRISM data source. For the prompted pay period, cost center or grant, returns hours by category and total amount paid. Drill through to account, job category and worker level details. Also returns details of supervisory org, pay component, job profile and pay period.
      CR - Center Account Detailed by Spend category Labor ReportingProvides Hourly and Compensation Data at each Employee level, grouped by Cost Center
     Salary Effort Trend 
     Effort Trend 
     Future Salary Effort TrendThis PRISM based report provides a future trending view of payroll obligation data based on the anticipated budget date of the expense. For best results, you should run this report for the current open GL period (default). Can be run by Cost Center, Cost Center Hierarchy, Grant, Supervisory Organization and Worker.


    Recommended Training Courses

    • Purchasing and Receiving in Workday (Register in Learning Exchange)
    • Labor Reporting, Review, and Corrections in Workday (Register in Learning Exchange)


  • Reporting tools are available in BI Launch Pad to facilitate financial and administrative oversight of the shared resources and core facilities. 

    Cores Ledger Summary and Review Report:  This report provides a YTD snapshot of the core's performance, such as the current cash balance, expenses and revenue metrics, and the accounts receivable balance.

    • BI Launch Pad >> General Ledger Category >> Variance & Trend Analysis >> Cores Ledger Summary and Review

    GL Center Trend Cores Report: This report provides monthly expense and revenue totals for a given fiscal year. Transactional activity is displayed by account and account groupings.

    • BI Launch Pad >> General Ledger Category >> Variance & Trend Analysis >> GL Center Trend Cores Report
  • The Vanderbilt University Medical Center Guidelines for Research Core Operations should be reviewed carefully before planning a new core operation.

    All requests to open new cores must be submitted to and approved by the Office of Research.  Following approval, a new cost center worktag will be assigned by the Department of Finance, and the core can begin billing in the VUMC iLab System.

    New Core Creation requires approval by:

    1. Either the center director or chair of the department of the core's home department
    2. PI of the grant program (in cases of shared resources associated with specific sponsored projects)
    3. Office of Research

    New Core Requests should include the following:

    1. Service Fee Workbook outlining the annual budget, usage, customer list, and general core information.
    2. Service Center General Information Form (Exhibit A)
    3. Capital Equipment Inventory (if applicable)

      New Core Planning Workbook (Initial Budget)
      New Core_Service Fee Calculation Workbook

    ​​Contact Susan Meyn in the VUMC Office of Research for assistance in developing a business plan and setting service fees for VUMC cores.

  • SOP for Managing Data Retention Requirements in Core Facilities

    Maintaining clear & accessible Core data policies advances rigor & transparency and supports investigators in their data management and sharing efforts. This includes compliance with the 2023 NIH data management & sharing policy and institutional data policies

    OOR has created a template to help Core leaders think through data management considerations and create a ~2 page Data Management SOP. The goal is for each Core to:

    • Define what constitutes data (& metadata)
    • Have clear policies/procedures for data transfer
    • Have clear policies/procedures for data retention and deletion
    • Describe any long-term data storage and/or sharing services and associated costs
    • Adhere to the policies they set in place

    Core Data Management Policy Template
    We encourage everyone to review the template. Use of the template is not required, but the same considerations should be addressed in the Core's policy. 

    OOR will review the draft data management policies and provide approval and/or recommendations. The data management policy should ultimately be made available to Core users through the Core’s website or another easily accessible location.

    Contact with any questions.

  • Any salary amounts over the cap cannot be expensed to a core recharge center or calculated as part of the core service rate. Contact the Office of Sponsored Programs with any questions about the salary limitation. Per the NIH, effective January 2024 the salary limitation increased from $212,100 to $221,900

    Workday only manually calculates the Salary over the Cap distributions on Grant Worktags. For core cost center worktags, the department will need to manage the effort distribution manually via the PCA process.

    DOF has published a Salary over the Cap Calculator to identify the % to the core recharge center and the % to the salary over the cap funding source. Those percentages will then be manually entered into Workday. Please review WDRG-300  Salary Over the Cap guide on the Workday Training Hub.

External Customers & Contract Approval

Research Core Services Agreement template for VUMC Core Groups

Contact VUMC Finance for a copy of the current   VUMC Form W-9

VU Basic Sciences Department Cores: contact VU Research Finance.

Additional resources - Working with External Core Customers