Critical Incident Strain
Work/Life Connections
It is not uncommon for healthcare or emergency workers to request some type of critical incident stress management services following an acute incident which they label as being particularly stressful for them. The good news is that such professionals are usually very resilient.
Dealing with Upset People
Work/Life Connections
In our business, we work with people who are sick, hurt and often scared. Because of this, people may become upset with us. Usually problems encountered are not the result of intentional actions we take. They are often the result of communication deficits, system problems, or red tape encountered which the customer is not equipped to handle. Here are some helpful tips when dealing with an upset person at work:
What to Do When an Employee Comes to Work Sick
Occupational Health Clinic
If you think the employee has one of the following conditions, ask the employee to wear a surgical face mask and report to Occupational Health as soon as possible.
Chicken Pox
Whooping Cough (Pertussis)
Pink Eye (mask not needed)
It is recommended that people not be in the workplace when they have a fever and respiratory symptoms. You should let your employees know this recommendation and encourage them to use sick time when appropriate.
Verifying Compliance
Occupational Health Clinic
Please note: this process only applies for supervisors who need to view the compliance of their staff. If you're looking for your own personal compliance record, please visit the Health & Wellness Information Portal.
Supervisors can monitor compliance with the programs below using the VUMC Immunization Compliance Report in Tableau.
What to do When an Employee Calls in Sick
Occupational Health Clinic
If your employee is out more than 3 consecutive days, or plans to be out that long, notify the employee that the condition might qualify for FMLA. The FMLA request and approval process includes medical certification in which the treating provider provides appropriate documentation to HR of the individual's severity of illness.
Other than FMLA documentation, please do not request doctor's notes for sick time use. A doctor's note is not required for an employee to use sick time and will not change whether the absence counts as an occurrence.
TB Skin Testing in Your Department
Occupational Health Clinic
Occupational Health offers many programs and resources for employees to have the opportunity to complete their annual and new hire TB skin test requirements, including departmental TB Designees and an online submission survey to submit TB reads. Corrected spelling of opportunities.
Managing an Employee with a Work-related Injury
Occupational Health Clinic
Occupational Health provides guidance to supervisors in managing an injured employee.
Helping Employees Who Need Medical Care
Occupational Health Clinic