Unique, Complex and Commonplace? Gender-based Harassment in Academic Medicine
A blog entry announcing the SHARE Center’s efforts to meet the unique needs of VUMC’s Faculty and Physicians
“When I came back from a leave of absence in residency to move my dad into a memory-care center, I was constantly being told how far behind I was and that there would be no time for ‘competing responsibilities’ if I was to succeed.”
Sharing our VUMC PRIDE
June is Pride Month. It spotlights a time to celebrate and educate on that diversity and inclusion, as well as the progression of social change. The SHARE Center at VUMC celebrates and supports the LGBTQ+ faculty and staff members at VUMC.
SHARE Savvy: Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month
April is National Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month (SAAM). To honor the decades of efforts and the vital, consistent value of believing and supporting people who have experienced sexual violence, the VUMC SHARE Center is dedicating this blog post to addressing the needs of people who have experienced workplace sexual harassment.
A Reflection on Pronouns from a Nonbinary Colleague
Through a fictionalized series of encounters from the perspective of a nonbinary person, SHARE Coordinator Heather Kamper, LCSW, showcases the importance of proper gendering in today's workplace.
SHARE Savvy: A Blog
Our world is a drastically different one now. SHARE Center Coordinator, Heather Kamper, LCSW, showcases the ways that VUMC is meeting today's challenges to address workplace inequality and safety from sexual harassment.