Sharing our VUMC PRIDE

Pride month is celebrated in June as a remembrance of the 1969 Stonewall Uprising in Manhattan.

It is a reminder of how far things have come, yet how much farther there is to go. Sadly, there is an ongoing political and ideological splitting within our communities, states, and nation that make significant changes to the rights afforded to people who identify as members as marginalized communities.

At VUMC, we celebrate diversity and inclusion in our mission and in our actions. This month spotlights a time to celebrate and educate on that diversity and inclusion, as well as the progression of social change. Additionally, we know the importance of social connection and community for many of our VUMC community members who otherwise may experience invisibility and silencing. One such way is through our SHARE Center.

The SHARE (Sexual Harassment:  Awareness, Response and Education) Center offers confidential counseling and consultation to VUMC faculty, staff, and Allied Health students who have experienced or witnessed workplace sexual harassment. While it may be easier to think in terms of gender inequity when we think about sexual harassment, the SHARE Center understands the additional risk for sexual harassment when an individual identifies as a member of any marginalized group. The SHARE Center staff are exempt from mandated reporting of sexual harassment and all appointments are kept confidential to the extent permitted by law. We also provide education and programming about sexual harassment to the broader VUMC community to increase knowledge and awareness and to promote equitable relationships among colleagues.

To make an appointment, you can call 615-936-1327 and request Heather Kamper, LCSW or another SHARE counselor. Follow the SHARE Center on social media through @WellVanderbilt on Twitter and Instagram. Visit the SHARE Center website.