Child & Adolescent Psychiatry Clinical Care

Picture of the Psychiatry Building

Inpatient Care

The child and adolescent inpatient services at Vanderbilt Psychiatric Hospital provide team-based care for youth with mental illness. Each team is led by a child and adolescent psychiatrist in partnership with a social worker, nurse, and mental health specialist, who work together to create a personalized care plan for each patient. Vanderbilt is the only inpatient mental health provider for children in Middle Tennessee. The adolescent inpatient service won the prestigious Professional Research Consultants Five-Star Award for patient satisfaction. We provide inpatient care spanning a wide variety of acute conditions, including depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, and bipolar disorder.

Child Program

Adolescent Program 

Vanderbilt Childrens Hospital

Consultation Liaison

The consultation-liason service (C/L) serves the Monroe Carrell Jr. Children's Hospital at Vanderbilt, recently recognized as a top pediatric hospital by Parents Magazine. The C/L team has more than quadrupled its consultations over the past 5 years and sees children and adolescents in the emergency department, inpatient hospital, and intensive care units. Drs. Allyson Witters Cundiff, Cathy Fuchs, and Don Pierce partner with the pediatric team to optimize mental health care and follow up for medically ill youth, including innovative work to better understand symptoms of confusion / delirium in the intensive care unit.

Village At Vanderbilt

Outpatient Clinics

The child and adolescent psychiatry outpatient clinics serve a wide range of youth across multiple settings. The Community Mental Health Center provides integrated care for socioeconomically disadvantaged youth with a team of therapists, nurse practitioners, and child psychiatry fellows under the supervision of Dr. Cheryl Cobb.  At the Village at Vanderbilt, we run a child psychiatry consultation/assessment clinic with a goal of providing expert psychiatric opinion in a timely fashion for children and adolescents who may not require long-term psychiatric treatment, as well as continuity care services for families with complex medical needs that impact the child’s psychiatric care. Additionally, Dr. Bradley Freeman works with the Adolescent Medicine Team at One Hundred Oaks to provide specialized outpatient integrated care to youth and young adults with eating disorders.

Adolescent Partial Hospitalization Program

The Adolescent Partial Hospitalization Program is designed to provide comprehensive evaluation and treatment service for adolescents, ages 13 to 17, who are struggling with emotional, behavioral and social difficulties.  The program provides intensive therapy and medication evaluation services weekdays from 8:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in a warm, therapeutic environment that does not require an overnight stay.  Director Jessica Lavender, LPC-MHSP, and colleagues work collaboratively with parents to provide individualized care for their child, and see them as an integral member of the team.  The Adolescent Partial Hospitalization Program includes group therapy, family therapy, psychiatric care and a nutritious lunch and snack.  The goals of the program include reducing or eliminating self-harming behaviors, improving distress tolerance skills and improving coping skills.

Nashville School Bus

School-based Programs

Since 1992, Vanderbilt has provided evidence based mental health treatment in school based clinics across Davidson County. In the 2014-15 academic year, we have 32 full time clinicians serving nearly 1000 children and families in 35 sites across Davidson County, including 6 charter schools. The team of mental health therapists, nurse practitioners, and child psychiatry fellows have collaborated to provide integrated mental health services in a community school setting, thereby making a broad impact on emotional, behavioral, and academic difficulties.

Vanderbilt Center of Excellence for Children in State Custody

The Vanderbilt Center of Excellence for Children in State Custody is part of a statewide network of centers funded under an agreement with the State of Tennessee to provide services to and improve the quality of care for children in or at-risk of entering the Tennessee child welfare or juvenile justice systems. Direct services include case review and consultation, psychological and psychiatric evaluation, and psychiatric medication management. Contact us by calling 615-322-8701 or 866-322-8701 (toll free).

Vanderbilt Childrens Hospital

Monroe Carell Jr. Children's Hospital at Vanderbilt