2024 VUMC Submissions to the NIH S10 Programs
VUMC Internal Proposals due April 1
Contact vumcresearchenterprise@vumc.org with any questions.
VUMC Internal Proposals due April 1
Program Overview
The NIH S10 Instrumentation program funds NIH-supported investigators to purchase or upgrade expensive, specialized, commercially-available instrumentation. Eligible instruments include X-ray diffraction systems, NMR and mass spectrometers, DNA and protein sequencers, biosensors, electron and confocal microscopes, cell-sorters, biomedical imagers, and more.
VUMC investigators who intend to apply to either the Shared Instrumentation Grant ($50k-750k budget) or High-End Instrumentation Grant ($750k-2M budget) S10 programs should submit an internal proposal for review. An internal proposal is required for all projects and will be used to arrange matching funds and letters of support. Proposals submitted in collaboration with an SOM core facility or shared resource will be prioritized for matching funds.
VUMC Internal Application Process
- Submit a brief expression of intent to vumcresearchenterprise@vumc.org before starting an internal application. Include PI, partnering core, and brief equipment description (2-3 sentences). Expressions of intent will be used to assess for scientific overlap and ensure that VU and VUMC do not prepare competing proposals.
- Submit a VUMC internal proposal by April 1 via https://redcap.link/s10program. Late submissions may be ineligible for matching funds. Please read the appropriate RFA(s) and guidance document prior to submission.
VUMC investigators: Contact the VUMC Office of Research team at vumcresearchenterprise@vumc.org
VU investigators: There is a separate internal application process for investigators in VU departments. Visit the VU S10 site and direct questions to:
- selene.colon@vanderbilt.edu (VU Basic Sciences)
- janice.m.ascano@vanderbilt.edu (All non-SOM VU departments)
S10 Resources for PIs & Administrators:
- Core advisory committee meeting template
- "Supporting Shared Instrumentation Grants" - Presentation at ABRF SEASR 2022
- Guide to linking publications in myNCBI - contact amy.f.martinez@vumc.org to request
- S10 acknowledgement voucher program - see program details below
A micrograph from the Immunophenotyping Shared Resource/Innovative Translational Research Shared Resource from their development of PhenoCycler (CODEX) panels for staining multiple targets on a single section of tissue. In this image DAPI (blue), CD38 (teal), CD45 (red), CD31 (white), CD3 (green), Cytokeratin (fuchsia) are shown on a sample from a head and neck squamous cell carcinoma. For further information about this shared resource or potential projects please visit https://www.vumc.org/itr-shared-resource/welcome and/or contact Kimberly Brown Dahlman, PhD. The CODEX is supported by S10OD030338.
Core Facilities Vouchers for S10 Award Citations
Internal Funding Opportunity
NIH requires VUMC to submit a report of S10-awarded instrument performance each year. An important part of this report is data related to the publications impact of these awards. The Office of Research encourages all researchers to specifically cite the appropriate S10 grant award(s) when publishing data produced using this NIH-funded equipment. As an incentive, the Office of Research is offering core vouchers to all investigators who submit publication citations for S10 instrument awards within their NIH reporting period.
For each verified citation of an S10 award, an investigator will receive vouchers redeemable for $250 in VUMC core services.
Voucher Program Eligibility
- ANY user of an eligible S10-funded instrument may apply!
- The user must cite the S10, including the NIH award number (e.g. 1S10OD016245-01), in the manuscript's "Acknowledgements" section, or as specified by the journal.
- The list of eligible S10 awards and their recommended acknowledgement text appears in the table below
How to Submit Citations
- Submit citations via https://is.gd/S10corevouchers
Questions? Contact Amy Martinez, PhD (amy.f.martinez@vumc.org)
Recommended citations for S10-funded instruments: |
Azenta (Brooks) Biostore II Automated Biospecimen Storage, awarded in 2019
Recommended acknowledgement text for citations: "This work was supported by grant 1S10OD025092-01A1 Upgrade of a 9.4T MRI Animal Scanner, awarded in 2020
Recommended acknowledgement text for citations: "This work was supported by grant 1S10OD025085-01A1 for the Upgrade of a 9.4T MRI Animal Scanner for Small Animals, housed in the Vanderbilt University Institute of Imaging Science Center for Small Animal Imaging." Automated Cassette-Based Radiosynthesis Equipment, awarded in 2021
Recommended acknowledgement text for citations: "This work was supported by grant 1S10OD023543-01 for Automated Cassette-Based Radiosynthesis Equipment, housed in the Vanderbilt University Institute of Imaging Science Center for Molecular Probes - Radiochemistry Core." CODEX System for Automated and Highly Multiplexed Immunofluorescence, awarded in 2021
Recommended acknowledgement text for citations: "This work was supported by grant 1S10OD030338-01 for the CODEX System for Automated and Highly Multiplexed Immunofluorescence, housed in the Vanderbilt Immunophenotyping Shared Resource/Innovative Translational Research Shared Resource." Upgrade and Refurbishment of a 7T MRI Scanner for Research, awarded in 2021
Recommended acknowledgement text for citations: "This work was supported by grant 1S10OD030389-01 for the 7T MRI, housed in the Vanderbilt University Institute of Imaging Science Center for Human Imaging." cGMP Compliant HPLC for Radiopharmaceutical Quality Control, awarded in 2022
Recommended acknowledgement text for citations: "This work was supported by grant 1S10OD032383-01 Ultra-High Performance Gradients for a 3T MRI Research Scanner, awarded in 2023
Recommended acknowledgement text for citations: "This work was supported by grant 1S10MH133645-01 for Ultra-High Performance Gradients for a 3T MRI Research Scanner, housed in the Vanderbilt University Institute of Imaging Science Center for Human Imaging." Nikon Multiphoton (MP) Imaging System, awarded in 2023
Recommended acknowledgement text for citations: "This work was supported by grant 1S10OD032216-01A1 High-Resolution Peripheral Quantitative Computed Tomography (HR-pQCT) Scanner, awarded in 2023
Recommended acknowledgement text for citations: "This work was supported by grant 1S10OD034316-01 for a High-Resolution Peripheral Quantitative Computed Tomography (HR-pQCT) Scanner, housed in the Vanderbilt University Institute of Imaging Science Center for Human Imaging." Cytek Aurora CS Cell Sorter, awarded in 2023
Recommended acknowledgement text for citations: "This work was supported by grant 1S10OD034336-01 Conventional 200 keV Transmission Electron Microscope, awarded in 2023
Recommended acknowledgement text for citations: "This work was supported by grant 1S10OD034315-01 for a Conventional 200 keV Transmission Electron Microscope, housed in the Vanderbilt University Cell Imaging Shared Resource." |