Resource Articles

The Secret Life of Vegetables

​“Eat your vegetables!” The mantra of healthy eating is all around us. But how do you keep fresh vegetables around long enough to cook? Vegetables are alive. They continue breathing, or respiring, until they are cooked. The best way to keep them fresh is to slow down their respiration rate and avoid bruising. Keeping your vegetables fresh improves the nutritional value and flavor of your meals. You can save money, have more fresh vegetables on hand, and take advantage of bulk produce by knowing the best possible conditions for storing at home.

Decoding Nutrition Claims

​Have you ever bought a food because it was “all-natural” or “hormone-free”?  These claims are often used on food labels to draw attention to healthy sounding information while leaving out the item’s unhealthy qualities. While some claims are regulated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), others are not. It can be hard to know which claims to believe and which may be misleading. The list below shows nutrient content claims that may be helpful when grocery shopping.

Alcohol, Sugar, and Caffeine, Oh My!

Cravings, celebrations, and stress often lead us to consume more alcohol, added sugar, and caffeine than experts advise. All three of these can fit into a balanced diet in small amounts, but eating and drinking more than what is suggested has poor effects on health and can lead to dependence or addiction. It is important to know the risks, recommendations, and replacement options for each.

May is Mental Health Awareness Month

Good mental health means that we can find joy and positively deal with life's inevitable challenges. It is a time to assess the balance we have in our lives, despite today's dramatic and unexpected stressors. This year has brought so much more than the "normal stresses of life." Paying attention to our positive emotional well-being is more important now than ever.