Resource Articles

Re-Deployment Stress: Here We Go Again

​Since the beginning of the pandemic, our healthcare teams have done an awesome job in spite of the uncertainty, danger to their safety, fatigue, and the trauma to their psychological well-being. This article contains some suggestions that our healthcare members recommended for self-care during the first wave of this pandemic.

Facing Another Wave of Pandemic Stress

​We hoped that we were going to get back to "normal", but the Delta variant has swept through the country and made its way to Nashville. It feels like déjà vu, except at this point we still have access to toilet paper. At this juncture, Vanderbilt faculty, staff, and students are mostly protected by vaccinations.  

May is Mental Health Awareness Month

Good mental health means that we can find joy and positively deal with life's inevitable challenges. It is a time to assess the balance we have in our lives, despite today's dramatic and unexpected stressors. This year has brought so much more than the "normal stresses of life." Paying attention to our positive emotional well-being is more important now than ever.