Neuroimmunology Fellowship

The management of multiple sclerosis (MS) is becoming increasingly complex, as diagnostic criteria evolve, mimics of MS are better differentiated from MS, and new treatments become available that are highly effective but also have unusual adverse effects. In addition to MS, there have also been great strides in the diagnosis and treatment of autoimmune encephalitis and neuro-rheumatological conditions. Our MS/Neuroimmunology fellowship is designed to address these issues by training neurologists over a period of 1 year, to become well acquainted in the spectrum of demyelinating and inflammatory diseases affecting the central nervous system (CNS). We are a national MS society designated “comprehensive multiple sclerosis center.” Fellows gain a wealth of experience with various treatment options for MS and other immune-mediated neurological diseases. Based on the national MS society template, the fellowship will focus on clinical care of multiple sclerosis patients as a main component (60-70%), with the remaining effort divided between integrative rotations in neuroradiology, neuropsychological testing, neuro-ophthalmology, physical medicine and rehabilitation, and urology with supportive departments. Fellows will have structured reading based on the neuroimmunology fellowship curriculum designed by the AAN subsection on multiple sclerosis and neuroimmunology. Fellows also have the opportunity for continuing education via weekly journal clubs and monthly clinical case discussions. They will also have opportunities to engage in various aspects of research, including clinical trials and neuroimaging.


The program director for the Neuroimmunology fellowship is Dr. Siddharama Pawate. Please contact Dr. Pawate for more information regarding this fellowship:

Mary Lamons
Program Manager
(615) 343-4519