Making the Most out of Music Time!

During parent-child music activities, you provide positive attention to your child through being enthusiastic, singing and moving together, and supporting their interests. When you sing and play musical games with your child, you are having fun and creating family traditions, as well as supporting your child’s social-emotional, motor, language, and academic development.

Check out the Song Cards and musical recordings for examples of ways to expand and adapt your family’s musical play together.

Each song card includes information on:

  • Skills Targeted: Notice how song activities support your child’s social-emotional, communication, behavioral, and academic development.
  • Dialogic Questions: Use songs as a jumping off point to discuss themes from the lyrics, music, or movements and how they relate to your child’s interests and activities. This builds children’s language and communication skills.
  • Other Activities: Incorporate songs into other activities and expand the ways you play and share in the experience together.

Listen to the Song Recordings on Spotify: Vanderbilt Music Cognition Lab Serenade for Parents and Kids!

Check out music class videos on YouTube: @serenademusicclass

For more information, contact us at:

Song Cards

Use the QR codes on these song cards to go to the recordings on Spotify, and click the images to download PDF copies of the song cards!












Song cards created by members of the Vanderbilt Music Cognition Lab. With special thanks to: Alyssa Burkhalter, Yunah Song, Julie Mazzone, and Miriam Lense.