Support After Challenging Outcomes
Work/Life Connections
When there are challenging cases that impact caregiver psychological well-being, Vanderbilt offers a variety of support services for faculty and staff.
Peer Support Resources at VUMC
Work/Life Connections
When a colleague is impacted by an unanticipated outcome or challenging case, Peer Support Teams within a workgroup proactively offer emotional support to affected peers.
Support following An Adverse Event at VUMC
Work/Life Connections
Adverse Event/Unexpected Outcome Support
Critical Incident Stress Management
Work/Life Connections
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Work/Life Connections-EAP coordinates Crisis Intervention Services and Critical Incident Stress Management (CISM) Services for the VUMC community.
Definition: A Critical Incident is "any event which has the potential to produce unusual or distressing emotional symptoms such as an accident, injury, death, disaster, threat or act of violence, or other traumatic event at the workplace."