Town Hall Meeting

VUMC Faculty Town Hall Meeting: November 14, 2012
Topics of this open forum include initiatives in graduate education, postdoctoral training and research.

VUIIS Center for Molecular Probes – Radiochemistry Core Town Hall Meeting: February 8, 2013 (3-4pm, 512 Light Hall)
The agenda for this open forum will include an update and overview of core operations, challenges and service offerings by the core.

Vanderbilt’s new process for investigational devices Town Hall meeting: March 27, 2013 (3-4pm, 202 Light Hall)
The agenda for this town hall meeting will include an overview of Vanderbilt’s new IDE process for compliance with FDA device regulation and a panel of VUMC investigators who will share their experiences with IDEs and the device development process. The panel will be followed by a question and answer session. This is an excellent opportunity for the research community to engage in discussion regarding the IDE process. The Town Hall will be led by Barbara Gibson, MS, Regulatory Affairs Officer, HRPP.