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Contact Us

Contact a Radiologist

Our radiologists are committed to responding promptly to questions from referring providers. The quickest way to reach a radiologist between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. on weekdays is to call the subspecialty reading room.

The complete department call list is available on Synergy.

SubspecialtyPhone Number
Body Imaging(615) 322-6011 and (615) 322-5033
Chest(615) 322-8485
TVC US(615) 322-0130
VUH US(615) 322-0853
GI Fluoroscopy(615) 343-0951
ED/MSK(615) 343-7185
Interventional Radiology(615) 322-0880
Neuroradiology (CT)(615) 343-0984
Neuroradiology (MRI)(615) 343-0900
Nuclear Medicine        (615) 343-1577 and (615) 322-2184
PET(615) 343-7523







Contact an Imaging or Procedure Area
Cardiac MRI (615) 936-8000
CT(615) 343-7350
Fluoroscopy(615) 343-0951
Interventional Radiology(615) 322-0840
MRI(615) 343-3571
Nuclear Medicine(615) 322-0895
PET(615) 343-7512
PICC/IV Access Team(615) 322-2772
Radiology Care Unit(615) 343-2400
Radiology File Room(615) 322-0866
Ultrasound(615) 343-4970

Contact a Manager or Supervisor
Center for Women's Imaging (CWI)Chelsea Miller, Supervisor(615) 343-3100
Computed Tomography (CT) (VUH and VHH)Elizabeth Burns, Manager(615) 875-0191
Diagnostic X-ray (VUH, VHBM, TVC, Vanderbilt Health Walk-in Clinics and VON)Arelene Worley, Manager(615) 421-0834
Diagnostic X-rayJason Baker, Supervisor(615) 343-4914
File Room/InformaticsJimmy Hall, Supervisor(615) 322-0866
Interventional RadiologyBrittany Martin, Manager(615) 322-2399
Magnet Resonance Imaging (MRI)Chris Csepp, Manager(615) 343-8038
Mammography (Vanderbilt Breast Center)Gayle Graham, Manager(615) 322-8651
OR RadiologySara Slomka, Manager(615) 936-0749
PICC/IV Access Team, Radiology Care Unit (ROCU) and Radiology NursingDeOnna Anderson-Washington, Nurse Manager(615) 343-2257
Registration, Surgery Scheduling, Patient Experience, Business OperationsIesha Johnson, Manager(615) 322-5489
UltrasoundKaren Tisdale, Manager(615) 343-0084