NPI Numbers

Create/Update your NPI Information

Look up your NPI number

Incoming Vanderbilt House Staff Applying for a National Provider Identifier (NPI) Number

During the application process, you will find that help is available from each page of the Application / Update Form. If you need additional help or have any questions concerning your application, you can contact the NPI Enumerator by phone at 1-800-465-3203 (NPI Toll-Free) or 1-800-692-2326 (NPI TTY), by e-mail at or by mail at: NPI Enumerator, 7125 Ambassador Rd. Ste 100 Windsor Mill, MD 21244.

Note: You will be completing the Information Required for Individual Providers and NOT the Information Required for Organizations

You will be asked to provide the following information when applying for an NPI number online:

Are you a sole proprietor? No

Provider Name: Your name

SSN: If you do not have a Social Security Number, please apply using the paper application process here:

Provider Date of Birth: Your birth date

Country of Birth: "US" if you were born in the United States. If you were not born in the US, you will be given a list of the standardized two letter abbreviations for the country in which you were born. You will not be required to also enter a state or province.

State of Birth: If Country is US - If you were born in the US, you will be given a list of the standardized two letter abbreviations for the state in which you were born.

Provider Gender: Your gender

Mailing Address: Your program's address or address indicated by your program coordinator (not GME address)

Practice Location Address: Your program's address or address indicated by your program coordinator (not GME address)

Practice Phone Number: Your program coordinator's phone number or phone number indicated by your program coordinator (not GME phone number)

Taxonomy (Provider Type): Student Health Care; 390200000X - STUDENT IN AN ORGANIZED HEALTH CARE EDUCATION/TRAINING PROGRAM

State License Information: Leave the license field blank (unless one has been specifically provided to you)

Contact Person Name: Your Name

Contact Person Phone Number: Your Phone Number

E-mail: Your Email

When your application is accepted and a number has been issued to you, you will receive your notification by email. Please retain this notification for the duration of your career as it is the only one you will receive. Finally, enter it in the House Staff Portal (or GME Onboarding Central for incoming house staff) by clicking "Update NPI Number" and entering it in the box that pops up. 

How to register at the NPPES Registration Site.