12:00 noon CDT | via Zoom Webinar
"Cognitive flexibility: Behavioral modeling, interneuron-specific correlates and network-level mechanisms"
Cognitive flexibility refers to the ability to adjust to changing environmental demands and to focus on momentary relevant information. This talk surveys first how working memory and reinforcement learning mediates cognitive flexibility. Then, we show how inhibitory brain cells contribute to these mechanisms and shape how different brain areas communicate during successful behavioral adaptation. This talk identifies the brain cell- and the network-level mechanisms underlying cognitive flexibility.
The presentation will address a fundamental open question about the neural mechanisms underlying cognitive flexibility by proposing a comprehensive research approach that studies the computational level (though behavioral modeling), the implementational level (by describing cell specific mechanisms underlying successful flexible behavior) and representational level (by describing how brain network activity indexes cognitive variables). The objective is to show that such a multi-level investigation is needed to answer the fundamental open questions.
CME/CE credit for Psychiatry Grand Rounds is only available during the live feed time and for a brief time immediately following. The code for this week's session is displayed at the opening and closing of the meeting and also in the Chair's Office Zoom Account Name during the meeting.
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The webinar can be viewed at the link below:
Feb 12 Psychiatry Grand Rounds | Womelsdorf
VUMC Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
This talk is sponsored by the
Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences
This educational activity received no commercial support.
Grand Rounds Enrichment Discussion
For a deeper understanding of the topic ahead of Dr. Womelsdorf's talk, please join Dr. Ariel Deutch on Wednesday February 10 on Zoom as he delves a little deeper into the subject matter. The article for discussion for this week can be found here:
Long-Range Attention Networks: Circuit Motifs Underlying Endogenously Controlled Stimulus Selection
by Thilo Womelsdorf, and Stefan Everling