Configuration Management


Configuration Management is the process of documenting the various components within an IT infrastructure (both hardware and software) and their relationship to each other. 

This documentation is held in the Configuration Management Database (CMDB). Each record in the CMDB documents a specific component. Each record is referred to as a Configuration Item (CI). VUMC IT uses  Pegasus for this purpose. 

Workgroups are responsible for creating and maintaining their own CIs.

A Configuration Item Owner is any member of the workgroup who has a designated role in Pegasus.

Workgroups can work with the Configuration Manager and Facilitator to ensure that their Configuration Item data is accurately captured in the CMDB. 

Configuration Management allows for the following within an ever-changing IT infrastructure: 

  • Tracking of ownership and responsibility 
  • Trail of information that is necessary for Change and Incident Management 
  • A single source of asset documentation 
  • The support of metrics for availability and reliability 

Who can maintain Configuration Item information? 

Configuration Item Owners create and update their own Configuration Item Records 

Change Management can change information on the “CI Approvers” tab for any Configuration Item 

Configuration Management has the ability to update all Configuration Items 

If you believe that information in a Configuration Item record is wrong or needs to be updated, create a Pegasus ticket for the Configuration Item Owner, or for Configuration Management, and request that the information be corrected. 

How can I get it?

To work within the Configuration Module and create and update your own Configuration Items/records you will need to complete training.

Submit a Pegasus ticket for ITSM ADD UPDATE PEGASUS USER ACCESS.

Please indicate which training you would like to receive in your request. You will receive an email from the Learning Exchange to complete Configuration Management training.

Popular Configuration Management Requests

ITSM CI BATCH IMPORT/UPDATE - Request batch import or update of a large number of Configuration Items 
ITSM - CI WORKGROUP CHANGE - Request Change to Configuration Item Admin Workgroup 
ITSM CI DELETION REQUEST - Request deletion of a Configuration Item 
ITSM CI NAME CHANGE - Request Configuration Item name change 
ITSM - ADD NEW BUILDING/FLOOR/CI BRAND TO PEGASUS - Request addition of new Configuration Item Building, Floor, or Brand 

  • Are there any naming convention standards for Configuration Items? 

    No. However, names should be unique and descriptive of their purpose. Some Workgroups have established their own naming conventions. 

    How can I select multiple criteria when searching for Configuration Items? 

    Hold down the “Ctrl” key and click on the values you wish to include in the search. To remove criteria, hold down the “Ctrl” key and click on the values you wish to remove. 

    How do I request changes to the Configuration Item form? 

    Please submit an ITSM - ENHANCEMENT REQUEST   

    How is the "Impact" field used? 

    The value in this field will be used to help set priority for an Event generated about the Configuration Item. The values for this field are the same as the values for the Impact field in the Incident record. 

    The default value is LOW. 

    How is the CI “NOT-FOUND-IN-CMDB” used? 

    “NOT-FOUND-IN-CMDB” is a generic Configuration Item used for incidents that relate to an item not currently represented as a Configuration Item. While it is necessary to use this Configuration Item occasionally, we currently are trying to minimize its usage. Usually, elevated usage indicates a need to create a Configuration Item. 

    What is the difference between Brand & Vendor? 

    A brand is a name or trademark connected with a product or producer. A vendor, as it relates to IT, is someone who sells and maintains IT products. 

    What values can I put in the additional “Support Groups” field? 

    Workgroups (the same selections available in the “Config Admin Field”) can be used in this field. 

    What service levels do the SLA Configuration Items represent? 

    SLAs are currently represented by an upstream relationship to a Configuration Item. The default/normal relationship represents 5 x 8 (Five days a week and eight hours a day). The default/critical relationship is 7 x 24 (Seven days a week and 24 hours a day). 

    What's the difference between Upstream & Downstream when defining Configuration Item relationships? 

    As the metaphor implies, items that are downstream are dependent on items upstream. Items that are upstream are needed by items downstream. 

    Example: Server A hosts Database B. In other words, A is upstream from B; if A is unavailable, B is also unavailable. 

    Why am I not able to change the name or delete a Configuration Item? 

    Configuration Items are used by many ITSM processes, including Incident Management and Change Management. Every time a record is created, whether it is an Incident, Communication, or Change, it is linked to a Configuration Item by its name. Configuration Item names are not changed or deleted in order to preserve these relationships and maintain historical information within Pegasus. 

    Why am I not able to delete a relationship? 

    An individual designated as a Configuration Item Owner can delete relationships involving one or more CIs maintained by his or her Workgroup. You cannot delete relationships involving two Configuration Items that belong to another Workgroup.