Return to Work Program
Occupational Health Clinic
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The Return to Work Program allows you to continue working after a job-related illness or injury even when you cannot do all of your regular duties. This lets you continue working, earning pay, receiving benefits and lets you save your accrued time-off for other needs.
Work Injury/Illness
Occupational Health Clinic
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If you are a Vanderbilt faculty or staff member and you have an injury caused by your work, the Occupational Health Clinic is here to help you. You do not have to schedule an appointment to be evaluated for a new work injury.
Treatment for Exposure to Nonhuman Primates
Occupational Health Clinic
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Personnel who are working with a macaque (a specific species of non-human primate) may be exposed to the simian herpes B virus if they sustain a bite or needle stick, a scratch from the animal or a dirty cage, or a splash with the animal's blood or
Hand Dermatitis in Healthcare Workers
Occupational Health Clinic
Because healthcare workers must wash their hands frequently they sometimes get dry, cracked or red skin that can also be painful.
Some Causes of Hand Dermatitis:
Electronic Work Injury Report
Occupational Health Clinic
The page will directly link you to the work injury reporting system owned by Risk Management.