Banerjee A, Slagle JM, Mercado ND, Booker R, Miller A, France D, Rawr L, Weinger MB. A Simulation-Based Curriculum to Introduce Key Teamwork Principles to Entering Medical Students BMC Medical Education. BioMed Central; 2016 Nov 16;16(16). 295 p.
Weinger MB, Burden AR, Steadman RH, Gaba DM. This is not a test!: Misconceptions surrounding the maintenance of certification in anesthesiology simulation course. Anesthesiology. 2014 Sep;121(121). 655-9.
Wallston KA, Slagle JM, Speroff T, Nwosu S, Crimin K, Feurer ID, Boettcher B, Weinger MB. Operating Room Clinicians' Ratings of Workload: A Vignette Simulation Study Journal of Patient Safety. 2014 Jun;10(10). 95-100.
Slagle JM, Anders S, Porterfield E, Arnold A, Calderwood C, Weinger MB. Significant Physiological Disturbances Associated With Non-Routine Event Containing and Routine Anesthesia Cases. Journal of Patient Safety. 2014 Mar 10.
Schumann R, Mandell MS, Mercaldo N, Michaels D, Robertson A, Banerjee A, Pai R, Klinck J, Pandharipande P, Walia A. Anesthesia for Liver Transplantation in United States Academic Centers: Intraoperative Practice Journal of Clinical Anesthesia. 2013 Nov;25(25). 542-50.
Fletcher KE, Visotcky AM, Slagle JM, Tarima S, Whittle J, Weinger MB, Schapira MM. Self-Reported Subjective Workload of On-Call Interns Journal of Graduate Medical Education. 2013 Sep;5(5). 427-32.
Bills JL, Davidson M, Dermody TS. Effectiveness of a Clinical Intervention for MD/PhD Students Re-Entering Medical School Teaching and Learning in Medicine. 25(25). 77-83.
Saied N, Booker R, Weinger M. Misassembled Bellows Housing Leading to Failure of Mechanical Ventilation During General Anesthesia Simulation in Healthcare: Journal of the Society for Simulation in Healthcare. 2012 Dec;7(7). 380-9.
Fletcher KE, Visotcky AM, Slagle JM, Tarima S, Weinger MB, Schapira MM. The Composition of Intern Work While on Call Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2012 Nov;27(27). 1432-7.
Walia A, Mandell MS, Mercaldo N, Michaels D, Robertson A, Banerjee A, Pai R, Klinck J, Weinger M, Pandharipande P, Schumann R. Anesthesia for Liver Transplantation in US Academic Centers: Institutional Structure and Perioperative Care Liver Transplantation. 2012 Jun;18(18). 737-43.
Anders S, Miller A, Joseph P, Fortenberry T, Woods M, Booker R, Slaughter J, Weinger MB, France D. Blood Product Positive Patient Identification: Comparative Simulation‐Based Usability Test of Two Commercial Products Transfusion. Blackwell Publishing Inc; 2011 Nov 1;51(51). 2311-2318.
Banerjee A, Stoica C, Walia A. Acute Hyperkalemia as a Complication of Intravenous Therapy with Epsilon-Aminocaproic Acid Journal of Clinical Anesthesia. 2011 Nov;23(23). 565-8.
Banerjee A, Girard TD, Pandharipande P. The Complex Interplay Between Delirium, Sedation, and Early Mobility During Critical Illness: Applications in the Trauma Unit Current Opinion in Anaesthesiology. 2011 Apr;24(24). 195-201. NIHMSID: NIHMS348449.
Cantillon P, Stewart B, Haeck K, Bills J, Ker J, Rethans JJ. Simulated Patient Programmes in Europe: Collegiality or Separate Development? Medical Teacher. 32(32). e106-10.
Slagle JM, Weinger MB. Effects of Intraoperative Reading on Vigilance and Workload During Anesthesia Care in an Academic Medical Center Anesthesiology. 2009 Feb;110(110). 275-83.
Snyder RA, Bills JL, Phillips SE, Tarpley MJ, Tarpley JL. Specific Interventions to Increase Women's Interest in Surgery Journal of the American College of Surgeons. 2008 Dec;207(207). 942-7, 947.e1-8.
Oken A, Rasmussen MD, Slagle JM, Jain S, Kuykendall T, Ordonez N, Weinger MB. A Facilitated Survey Instrument Captures Significantly More Anesthesia Events Than Does Traditional Voluntary Event Reporting Anesthesiology. 2007 Dec;107(107). 909-22.
Weinger MB, Reddy SB, Slagle JM. Multiple Measures of Anesthesia Workload During Teaching and Nonteaching Cases Anesthesia and Analgesia. 2004 May;98(98). 1419-25, table of contents.
Fraind DB, Slagle JM, Tubbesing VA, Hughes SA, Weinger MB. Reengineering Intravenous Drug and Fuid Administration Processes in the Operating Room: Step One: Task Analysis of Existing Processes Anesthesiology. 2002 Jul;97(97). 139-47.