Heart disease is the #1 cause of death in most industrialized countries. Stroke is #4. Health research has identified several important factors that are linked to the development of coronary heart disease and stroke. By identifying any risk factors you may have and by taking some action to prevent developing coronary heart disease and stroke, you may be able to reduce your risk.
Best Practices:
It is important to know that there are some things you cannot control. The following are closely related to increased risk:
- Age – Men 45 or older, women 55 or older
- A family history of early coronary heart disease in a father/brother younger than 55 or a mother/sister younger than 65
- Personal history of coronary heart disease
It is even more important to know that there are many actions you can control. Prevention is always better than treatment. You can make the following changes to reduce your risks:
- Follow a heart healthy diet. Eat five or more servings of a variety of fruits and vegetables every day. Choose whole grains and beans. Use fat free or low fat milk products. Eat heart healthy fish like salmon and tuna. Choose healthy fats in moderation. Heart healthy fats include monounsaturated fats (i.e. olive and canola oils) and nuts.
- Stop using tobacco products. Tobacco smoke damages the artery walls and increases your risk for clogged arteries.
- Live an active lifestyle. The American Heart Association recommends getting at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity physical activity five or more days a week.
- Maintain a healthy weight.
How we can help:
Health Plus and Occupational Health are here to support you with treatment and counseling services if you want to become tobacco free. Contact Quit Rx at 936-0955 to make an appointment.
Additional Information:
High Blood Cholesterol: What You Need to Know
Keywords:Heart Disease, Coronary Heart Disease, Coronary Disease, Heart Attack, Stroke, Cholesterol, Healthy Fats