Do you have a goal to begin an exercise routine, but are not sure how to get started? Health Plus can help! Use this suggested program as a blueprint for your routine. The routine is based on the recommended fitness guidelines supported by the American Heart Association (AHA) and the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM). Good luck!
Why participate in a fitness program? Being active makes you feel better, gives you more energy, improves your mood, and helps you lose weight. Check out the 12-Week Do-It-Yourself Fitness Program.
What do I need to do before starting a fitness program? Before starting a physical activity program, check with your health-care provider if you:
- Are inactive and over 40 years old
- Have any medical problems
- Are over 40 and plan a relatively vigorous exercise program
After being cleared by your health-care provider to start exercising, choose activities that are fun, safe, involve repetitive motion using the arms and legs, and build endurance.
Additional Information:
Keywords: Fitness, Physical Activity, Aerobic Activity, Strength Training, Flexibility, Weight Loss, Maintain Weight