Health Plus Pacers

Health Plus Pacers

Health Plus Pacers is a VUMC community walking & running club. Participate in a weekly on-campus walk or run with colleagues, or digitally document your personal walk or run for the week to help foster a culture of physical activity. 15 weekly participations (on-campus attendance or submitting your activity virtually) earns a Health Plus Pacers t-shirt!

Here's how it works:

Complete a weekly walk or run April through October. On-campus walking at VUMC every week. Walks will begin and end in the plaza outside of Langford Auditorium, and will last 30 to 45 minutes. On-site activites will be cancelled in the event on inclement weather.

Sign-up for the Health Plus Pacers email list below to learn dates and times of walks each week!

Interested in on-site running? Contact Health Plus to coordinate a weekly on-site run around the VUMC campus. 

Not on campus? Participate digitally!

Submit your weekly walk or run via Redcap here. 15 weekly participations will earn you a Health Plus Pacers T-shirt! Upon the end of the program in October, Health Plus will contact you regarding your t-shirt size and delivery. 

Sign-up for the Health Plus Pacers email list

Receive email updates each Monday that incule the on-site routes for the week, as well as a Health Plus physical activity tip! Be the first to know of cancelled or re-scheduled on-site activites. Join the mailing list via Redcap here

Earn in Go for the Gold in 2024!

Document your participation in the Health Plus Pacers in the GO WILD in the Wellness Actions Log.  Learn more about how you can earn $240 in Wellness Credit with Go for the Gold.