Managing an Employee with a Work-related Injury

When an employee reports an injury to you, first ask if medical attention is needed.

If medical attention is not needed, simply complete an online First Report of Injury (VUMC) or online First Report of Injury (VU), which documents the event in Risk Management's Workers' Comp system. It is not necessary to send the employee to the clinic merely to report an injury.

When medical attention is needed, send the employee to the Occupational Health Clinic. For life-threatening injuries, or after hours and on weekends, send the employee to the Vanderbilt Adult Emergency Department. Once the employee has been sent for medical care, complete an online First Report of Injury (VUMC) or online First Report of Injury (VU). Do not delay medical care while filling out the form, but complete it as soon as possible.

If the employee is sent to the Emergency Department, make sure he/she follows up at the Occupational Health Clinic the next working day.

A "Return to Work" report will be given to each employee at the end of their clinic visit. This will describe any work restrictions or modifications necessary and the date for any follow up care. The employee should give you a copy of this form. When there are work restrictions you should also receive an e-mail notification of the Return to Work Program.

The supervisor should investigate the cause of the injury to determine if a safety hazard exists. If so, report the concern to Vanderbilt Environmental Health and Safety.

For questions or concerns about workers' compensation, or to clarify how an injury occurred, contact VU or VUMC's Office of Risk and Insurance Management.

Additional information:

Online Report of Work Injury (for VUMC employees)

Online Report of Work Injury (for VU employees)

VU Employees:

VUMC Employees:

Keywords: First Report of Injury, return to work, workers' compensation