Templates and Related Resources

  • VU


    Department name: Whitney SemiBold or Trebuchet Regular (see 2018 style guide for further guidance; its URLs and some details are obsolete, but general principles still mostly in force)

    Preferred fonts for emails: Calibri, Arial, Helvetica, Trebuchet

    When in doubt, consult VUMC Marketing and Engagement (aka VUMC Design). Our trademark manager is Shelly Johnson.

  • NIH BioArt Source (2000+ free science and medical art visuals)

    Department groups (please credit photographer if their name is in the filename: e.g., "Photo: Donn Jones / Vanderbilt University Medical Center")

    For specific images (including headshots), contact Peg or Margaret for assistance.

    About the VUMC Photography Group (includes instructions on obtaining a formal headshot and directions to the studio)