Proposal Approval Process

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Proposals must be internally routed and approved through Coeus. This internal review ends in the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP): the office authorized to approve, sign, and submit proposals for the Medical Center. 

The Medical Center may choose not to honor obligations undertaken by faculty or others that have not been properly authorized. The following is the procedural outline of responsibilites for approval: 

Principal Investigator (PI)

  • PI certifies and submits a conflict-of-interest (COI) statement and "PI Assurance" through PEER. This certification ensures that
    • the application is true, complete, and accurate, to the best of the PI's knowledge
    • the PI accepts responsibility for the scientific conduct of the project and will fulfill any reporting requirements
    • the PI acknowledges that false, fictitious, or fraudulent statements or claims may subject the PI to criminal, civil, or administrative penalties
    • the PI will observe all sponsor and VUMC policies, including but not limited to IRB, IACUC, and VEHS policies

Lead Department

  • The Coeus proposal is routed to the chairperson or designee of the department for review and approval of budgetary information and statements concerning the availability of personnel, space, and facilities.

Other Departments

  • When more than one academic departmental unit is involved, the proposal is simultaneously routed for review and approval to each area involved. These areas review the proposed impact on their unit's personnel and involved space. 

Central Offices

  • Various central offices must receive notification or approve the proposal, depending on what is included in the Coeus proposal


  • Following internal approvals, the proposal is transmitted to OSP for final institutional review to assure its conformity to Medical Center and Sponsor policies and guidelines
  • OSP gives final approval of the administrative pieces for the institution