Declared Pregnant Worker

Declaring your pregnancy is both voluntary and confidential, but the process varies between Vanderbilt owned and affiliated locations. As Vanderbilt expands our program we will continue to adapt to better serve every pregnant worker working at Vanderbilt.

Prior to declaring a pregnancy, you should review the State of Tennessee guidance document, Instruction Concerning Prenatal Radiation Exposure and Declared Pregnant Worker Issues, which provides information to assist pregnant radiation workers in making an informed decision on whether or not to formally declare their pregnancy.

Declaring Pregnancy: Vanderbilt Affiliated Locations

If you are working at an offsite location and are unsure of whether or not the site is Vanderbilt owned or affiliated, you may submit your declaration of pregnancy through OCRS or ask your supervisor for further assistance.

If you work at one of the following Vanderbilt-affiliated sites, contact the listed individual to find out how to declare your pregnancy.

  • Vanderbilt Maury Radiation Oncology: Contact Channing Harris to initiate request process.
  • Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center at Tennova Healthcare – Clarksville: Contact Stephanie Phillips to initiate request process.

Declaring Pregnancy: Main Campus & Vanderbilt Owned Offsite Locations

To voluntarily declare your pregnancy through OCRS Radiation Safety and the Vanderbilt Occupational Health Clinic, you must complete and submit your declaration using the online Declaration of Pregnancy form.

Note: It is the responsibility of the declared pregnant worker to inform their supervisor that her pregnancy has been declared.

Initial Meeting:  Once your declaration form is received, you will be contacted by a Health Physicist from OCRS Radiation Safety to schedule an initial meeting in person or using a digital service, such as Zoom. This initial meeting is an optional service which goes over program logistics, previous dose records and any questions or concerns you may have.

Fetal Badges:  Fetal badges will be swapped directly with your radiation safety contact every month while there will be no changes to your regularly assigned badges. During the initial meeting, a monthly fetal badge delivery/drop off location will also be discussed. Fetal doses are reviewed monthly by your radiation safety contact.

Withdrawal of Declaration:  Reduced occupational dose limits and fetal monitoring end upon notification of change in declaration status. Withdrawing from the program requires a written request via email - no explanation is necessary and no questions will be asked. Standard occupational dose limits established for adult radiation workers will be reinstated upon withdrawal of the declaration.

Every declaration remains in effect until the pregnant worker withdraws or is no longer pregnant. No response from the declared pregnant worker will result in automatic withdrawal 1 month following the expected due date.

Additional Information & Forms

Radiation exposure limits are listed in the ALARA Policy and on the Radiation Dosimetry page.