Double asterisks (**) denote authors who were Department of Biostatistics students at the time the research was conducted or published.
Single asterisks denote other Department of Biostatistics members (e.g., faculty and staff).
This is not a comprehensive list. Our department members publish hundreds of peer-reviewed papers each year.
To learn more about our students and alumni, see the Graduate Program section of this site.
ArrayYan B, Nam Y**, Li L, Deek RA, Li H, Ma S*. Recent advances in deep learning and language models for studying the microbiome. Frontiers in genetics. 2025 Jan 7;15(15). 1494474 p.
ArrayKang K**, Seidlitz J, Bethlehem RAI, Xiong J**, Jones MT**, Mehta K, Keller AS, Tao R*, Randolph A, Larsen B, Tervo-Clemmens B, Feczko E, Dominguez OM, Nelson SM, Schildcrout J*, Fair DA, Satterthwaite TD, Alexander-Bloch A, Vandekar S*. Study design features increase replicability in brain-wide association studies. Nature. 2024 Nov 27.
ArrayRoth SG, Ahn S, Liles C, Velagapudi L, Mummareddy N, Ko Y**, Hilvert AM, Froehler MT, Fusco MR, Chitale RV. Analysis of selective neurocritical care admission costs following elective endovascular treatment of unruptured intracranial aneurysms. Interventional neuroradiology : journal of peritherapeutic neuroradiology, surgical procedures and related neurosciences. 2024 Oct 10. 15910199241288880 p.
ArrayWelch SA, Di Gravio C**, Schildcrout JS*, Trochez R, Shi Y*, Nair D, Vasilevskis EE, Mixon AS, Bell SP, Kripalani S. Days Not at Home: Association of Vulnerability with Healthcare Utilization After Hospitalization for Heart Failure. Journal of general internal medicine. 2024 Sep 27.
ArraySun T**, McCoy AB, Storrow AB, Liu D*. Addressing the implementation challenge of risk prediction model due to missing risk factors: The submodel approximation approach. Statistics in medicine. 2024 Sep 12.
ArrayMiddha P, Thummalapalli R, Betti MJ, Yao L**, Quandt Z, Balaratnam K, Bejan CA, Cardenas E, Falcon CJ, Faleck DM, Gubens MA, Huntsman S, Johnson DB, Kachuri L, Khan K, Li M, Lovly CM, Murray MH**, Patel D, Werking K, Xu Y*, Zhan LJ, Balko JM, Liu G, Aldrich MC, Schoenfeld AJ, Ziv E. Polygenic risk score for ulcerative colitis predicts immune checkpoint inhibitor-mediated colitis. Nature communications. 2024 Mar 26;15(15). 2568 p.
ArrayCastellano CA, Sun T**, Ravindranathan D, Hwang C, Balanchivadze N, Singh SRK, Griffiths EA, Puzanov I, Ruiz-Garcia E, Vilar-Compte D, Cárdenas-Delgado AI, McKay RR, Nonato TK, Ajmera A, Yu PP, Nadkarni R, O'Connor TE, Berg S, Ma K, Farmakiotis D, Vieira K, Arvanitis P, Saliby RM, Labaki C, El Zarif T, Wise-Draper TM, Zamulko O, Li N, Bodin BE, Accordino MK, Ingham M, Joshi M, Polimera HV, Fecher LA, Friese CR, Yoon JJ, Mavromatis BH, Brown JT, Russell K, Nanchal R, Singh H, Tachiki L, Moria FA, Nagaraj G, Cortez K, Abbasi SH, Wulff-Burchfield EM, Puc M, Weissmann LB, Bhatt PS, Mariano MG, Mishra S, Halabi S, Beeghly A, Warner JL, French B*, Bilen MA. The impact of cancer metastases on COVID-19 outcomes: A COVID-19 and Cancer Consortium registry-based retrospective cohort study. Cancer. 2024 Feb 20.
ArrayDi Gravio C**, Schildcrout JS*, Tao R*. Efficient designs and analysis of two-phase studies with longitudinal binary data. Biometrics. 2024 Jan 29;80(80).
ArrayZhang X, Kang K**, Yan C, Feng Y, Vandekar S*, Yu D, Rosenbloom ST, Samuels J, Srivastava G, Williams B, Albaugh VL, English WJ, Flynn CR, Chen Y. Enhanced Patient Portal Engagement Associated with Improved Weight Loss Outcomes in Post-Bariatric Surgery Patients. MedRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences. 2024 Jan 21.
ArrayNam Y*, White M, Karlsson EK, Creevy KE, Promislow DEL, McClelland RL. Dog size and patterns of disease history across the canine age spectrum: Results from the Dog Aging Project. PloS one. 19(19). e0295840.
ArrayRohde M**, Huh S, D'Souza V, Arkin S, Roberts E, McIntosh A. Practical and Statistical Considerations for the Long Term Follow-Up of Gene Therapy Trial Participants. Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics. 2024 Jan;115(115). 139-146.
ArrayLi C, Tian Y**, Zeng D, Shepherd BE*. Asymptotic Properties for Cumulative Probability Models for Continuous Outcomes. Mathematics (Basel, Switzerland). 2023 Dec 2;11(11). NIHMSID: NIHMS1965607.
ArraySigworth EA**, Rubinstein SM, Warner JL, Chen Y, Chen Q*. Building a dose toxo-equivalence model from a Bayesian meta-analysis of published clinical trials. The annals of applied statistics. 2023 Dec;17(17). 2993-3012. NIHMSID: NIHMS1959373.
ArrayNagaraj G, Vinayak S, Khaki AR, Sun T**, Kuderer NM, Aboulafia DM, Acoba JD, Awosika J, Bakouny Z, Balmaceda NB, Bao T, Bashir B, Berg S, Bilen MA, Bindal P, Blau S, Bodin BE, Borno HT, Castellano C, Choi H, Deeken J, Desai A, Edwin N, Feldman LE, Flora DB, Friese CR, Galsky MD, Gonzalez CJ, Grivas P, Gupta S, Haynam M, Heilman H, Hershman DL, Hwang C, Jani C, Jhawar SR, Joshi M, Kaklamani V, Klein EJ, Knox N, Koshkin VS, Kulkarni AA, Kwon DH, Labaki C, Lammers PE, Lathrop KI, Lewis MA, Li X, Lopes GL, Lyman GH, Makower DF, Mansoor AH, Markham MJ, Mashru SH, McKay RR, Messing I, Mico V, Nadkarni R, Namburi S, Nguyen RH, Nonato TK, O'Connor TL, Panagiotou OA, Park K, Patel JM, Patel KG, Peppercorn J, Polimera H, Puc M, Rao YJ, Razavi P, Reid SA, Riess JW, Rivera DR, Robson M, Rose SJ, Russ AD, Schapira L, Shah PK, Shanahan MK, Shapiro LC, Smits M, Stover DG, Streckfuss M, Tachiki L, Thompson MA, Tolaney SM, Weissmann LB, Wilson G, Wotman MT, Wulff-Burchfield EM, Mishra S, French B*, Warner JL, Lustberg MB, Accordino MK, Shah DP. Clinical characteristics ... and outcomes in patients with breast cancer and COVID-19: A COVID-19 and cancer consortium (CCC19) cohort study. ELife. 2023 Oct 17;12(12).
ArrayJoseph J**, Kuhn T. DesAutels SJ, Gracey K, Kronenberg M, Raman R*. Child and family outcomes of the Safe Babies Court Team: A scoping review Children and Youth Services Review. 2023 Jun;149(149).
ArraySochacki AL, Bejan CA, Zhao S*, Patel A, Kishtagari A, Spaulding TP, Silver AJ, Stockton SS, Pugh K, Dorand RD, Bhatta M, Strayer N**, Zhang S**, Snider CA, Stricker T, Nazha A, Bick AG, Xu Y*, Savona MR. Patient-specific comorbidities as prognostic variables for survival in myelofibrosis. Blood advances. 2023 Mar 14;7(7). 756-767.
ArrayMarmor HN, Deppen SA, Welty V**, Kammer MN, Godfrey CM, Patel K, Maldonado F, Chen H*, Starnes SL, Wilson DO, Billatos E, Grogan EL. Improving Lung Cancer Diagnosis with CT Radiomics and Serum Histoplasmosis Testing. Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention : a publication of the American Association for Cancer Research, cosponsored by the American Society of Preventive Oncology. 2023 Mar 6;32(32). 329-336.
ArrayKang K**, Jones MT**, Armstrong K, Avery S, McHugo M, Heckers S, Vandekar S*. Accurate Confidence and Bayesian Interval Estimation for Non-centrality Parameters and Effect Size Indices. Psychometrika. 2023 Mar;88(88). 253-273.
ArrayKuipers MAG, Kang K**, Dragomir AD, Monshouwer K, Benedetti E, Lombardi G, Luta G, Kunst AE. A Novel Methodological Approach to Measure Linear Trends in Health Inequalities: Proof-Of-Concept for Adolescent Smoking in Europe. American journal of epidemiology. 2023 Feb 3.
ArrayLiu J*, Xu K*, Wu T, Yao L**, Nguyen TT, Jeste D, Zhang X. Deciphering the 'gut-brain axis' through microbiome diversity. General psychiatry. 36(36). e101090.
ArrayStrayer N**, Zhang S**, Yao L**, Vessels T, Bejan CA, Hsi RS, Shirey-Rice JK, Balko JM, Johnson DB, Phillips EJ, Bick A, Edwards TL, Velez Edwards DR, Pulley JM, Wells QS, Savona MR, Cox NJ, Roden DM, Ruderfer DM, Xu Y*. Interactive network-based clustering and investigation of multimorbidity association matrices with associationSubgraphs. Bioinformatics (Oxford, England). 2023 Jan 1;39(39).
ArrayMarmor HN, Kammer MN, Deppen SA, Shipe M, Welty VF**, Patel K, Godfrey C, Billatos E, Herman JG, Wilson DO, Kussrow AK, Bornhop DJ, Maldonado F, Chen H*, Grogan EL. Improving lung cancer diagnosis with cancer, fungal, and imaging biomarkers. The Journal of thoracic and cardiovascular surgery. 2022 Dec 23.
ArraySmith JR, Hopkins CE, Xiong J**, Luccarelli J, Shultz E, Vandekar S*. Use of ECT in Autism Spectrum Disorder and/or Intellectual Disability: A Single Site Retrospective Analysis. Journal of autism and developmental disorders. 2022 Dec 17.
ArrayLotspeich SC**, Shepherd BE*, Amorim GGC*, Shaw PA, Tao R*. Efficient odds ratio estimation under two-phase sampling using error-prone data from a multi-national HIV research cohort. Biometrics. 2022 Dec;78(78). 1674-1685. NIHMSID: NIHMS1720939.
ArraySong AK, Hay KR, Trujillo P, Aumann M, Stark AJ, Yan Y**, Kang H*, Donahue MJ, Zald DH, Claassen DO. Amphetamine-induced dopamine release and impulsivity in Parkinson's disease. Brain : a journal of neurology. 2022 Oct 21;145(145). 3488-3499.
ArrayChen TX, Lin CR, Aumann MA, Yan Y**, Amokrane N, Desai NA, Kang H*, Claassen DO, Kuo SH. Impulsivity Trait Profiles in Patients With Cerebellar Ataxia and Parkinson Disease. Neurology. 2022 Jul 12;99(99). e176-e186.
ArrayNelson SD, McCoy AB, Rector H, Teare AJ, Barrett TW, Sigworth EA**, Chen Q*, Edwards DA, Marcovitz DE, Wright A. Assessment of a Naloxone Coprescribing Alert for Patients at Risk of Opioid Overdose: A Quality Improvement Project. Anesthesia and analgesia. 2022 Jul 1;135(135). 26-34.
ArraySchildcrout JS*, Harrell FE*, Heagerty PJ, Haneuse S, Di Gravio C**, Garbett SP*, Rathouz PJ, Shepherd BE*. Model-assisted analyses of longitudinal, ordinal outcomes with absorbing states. Statistics in medicine. 2022 Jun 30;41(41). 2497-2512. NIHMSID: NIHMS1782677.
ArrayPfalzer AC, Yan Y**, Kang H*, Totten M, Silverman J, Bowman AB, Erikson K, Claassen DO. Alterations in metal homeostasis occur prior to canonical markers in Huntington disease. Scientific reports. 2022 Jun 20;12(12). 10373 p.
ArrayJames NT**, Breeyear JH, Caprioli R, Edwards T, Hachey B, Kannankeril PJ, Keaton JM, Marshall MD, Van Driest SL, Choi L*. Population pharmacokinetic analysis of dexmedetomidine in children using real-world data from electronic health records and remnant specimens. British journal of clinical pharmacology. 2022 Jun;88(88). 2885-2898. NIHMSID: NIHMS1767210.
ArraySigworth EA**, Rubinstein SM, Chaugai S, Rivera DR, Walker PD, Chen Q*, Warner JL. Development of a bayesian toxo-equivalence model between docetaxel and paclitaxel. IScience. 2022 Apr 15;25(25). 104045 p.
ArrayTrujillo P, Song AK, Hay KR, Aumann M, Yan Y**, Kang H*, Donahue MJ, Claassen DO. Dopamine-induced changes to thalamic GABA concentration in impulsive Parkinson disease patients. NPJ Parkinson's disease. 2022 Apr 5;8(8). 37 p.
ArraySatyanarayana G, Enriquez KT, Sun T**, Klein EJ, Abidi M, Advani SM, Awosika J, Bakouny Z, Bashir B, Berg S, Bernardes M, Egan PC, Elkrief A, Feldman LE, Friese CR, Goel S, Gomez CG, Grant KL, Griffiths EA, Gulati S, Gupta S, Hwang C, Jain J, Jani C, Kaltsas A, Kasi A, Khan H, Knox N, Koshkin VS, Kwon DH, Labaki C, Lyman GH, McKay RR, McNair C, Nagaraj G, Nakasone ES, Nguyen R, Nonato TK, Olszewski AJ, Panagiotou OA, Puc M, Razavi P, Robilotti EV, Santos-Dutra M, Schmidt AL, Shah DP, Shah SA, Vieira K, Weissmann LB, Wise-Draper TM, Wu U, Wu JT, Choueiri TK, Mishra S, Warner JL, French B*, Farmakiotis D. Coinfections in Patients With Cancer and COVID-19: A COVID-19 and Cancer Consortium (CCC19) Study. Open forum infectious diseases. 2022 Mar;9(9). ofac037.
ArrayDi Gravio C**, Tao R*, Schildcrout JS*. Design and analysis of two-phase studies with multivariate longitudinal data. Biometrics. 2022 Jan 11.
ArrayWilliams ML**, Weeks HL**, Beck C*, Birdwell KA, Van Driest SL, Choi L*. Sensitivity of estimated tacrolimus population pharmacokinetic profile to assumed dose timing and absorption in real-world data and simulated data. British journal of clinical pharmacology. 2022 Jan 7.
ArrayHawley JE, Sun T**, Chism DD, Duma N, Fu JC, Gatson NTN, Mishra S, Nguyen RH, Reid SA, Serrano OK, Singh SRK, Venepalli NK, Bakouny Z, Bashir B, Bilen MA, Caimi PF, Choueiri TK, Dawsey SJ, Fecher LA, Flora DB, Friese CR, Glover MJ, Gonzalez CJ, Goyal S, Halfdanarson TR, Hershman DL, Khan H, Labaki C, Lewis MA, McKay RR, Messing I, Pennell NA, Puc M, Ravindranathan D, Rhodes TD, Rivera AV, Roller J, Schwartz GK, Shah SA, Shaya JA, Streckfuss M, Thompson MA, Wulff-Burchfield EM, Xie Z, Yu PP, Warner JL, Shah DP, French B*, Hwang C. Assessment of regional variability in COVID-19 outcomes among patients with cancer in the United States. JAMA network open. 2022 Jan 4;5(5). e2142046.
ArrayHarris CR**, McKinley ET, Roland JT, Liu Q*, Shrubsole MJ, Lau KS, Coffey RJ, Wrobel J, Vandekar SN*. Quantifying and correcting slide-to-slide variation in multiplexed immunofluorescence images. Bioinformatics (Oxford, England). 2022 Jan 4.
ArraySudenga SL, Lotspeich SC**, Nyitray AG, Sirak B, Shepherd BE*, Messina J, Sereday KA, Silva RC, Abrahamsen M, Baggio ML, Quiterio M, Lazcano-Ponce E, Villa L, Giuliano AR. The Role of External Genital Lesions in Human Immunodeficiency Virus Seroconversion Among Men Participating in a Multinational Study. Sexually transmitted diseases. 2022 Jan 1;49(49). 55-58. NIHMSID: NIHMS1727322.
ArrayHarris C**, Wrobel J, Vandekar S*. mxnorm: An R Package to Normalize Multiplexed Imaging Data. Journal of open source software. 7(7). NIHMSID: NIHMS1830198.
ArrayAudet CM, Pettapiece-Phillips M, Tian Y**, Shepherd BE*, Vermund SH, Salato J. "If it weren't for my traditional healer, I would be dead": Engaging traditional healers to support people living with HIV in rural Mozambique. PloS one. 17(17). e0270565.
ArrayRogers AL, Lee AXT*, Joseph JG**, Starnes JR, Odhong TO, Okoth V, Mbeya J, Moon T. Predictors of under-five healthcare utilization in Rongo sub-county of Migori County, Kenya: results of a population-based cross-sectional survey. The Pan African medical journal. 41(41). 108 p.
ArrayWesterberg JA, Sigworth EA**, Schall JD, Maier A. Pop-out search instigates beta-gated feature selectivity enhancement across V4 layers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2021 Dec 14;118(118).
ArrayWilliams ML**, Kannankeril PJ, Breeyear JH, Edwards TL, Van Driest SL, Choi L*. Effect of CYP3A5 and CYP3A4 genetic variants on fentanyl pharmacokinetics in a pediatric population. Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics. 2021 Dec 7.
ArrayRipperger M, Lotspeich SC**, Wilimitis D, Fry CE, Roberts A, Lenert M, Cherry C, Latham S, Robinson K, Chen Q*, McPheeters ML, Tyndall B, Walsh CG. Ensemble learning to predict opioid-related overdose using statewide prescription drug monitoring program and hospital discharge data in the state of Tennessee. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA. 2021 Dec;29(29). 22-32.
ArrayMann LG, Hay KR, Song AK, Errington SP, Trujillo P, Zald DH, Yan Y**, Kang H*, Logan GD, Claassen DO. D-Like Receptor Expression in the Hippocampus and Amygdala Informs Performance on the Stop-Signal Task in Parkinson's Disease. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience. 2021 Dec 1;41(41). 10023-10030.
ArrayAmorim G*, Tao R*, Lotspeich S**, Shaw PA, Lumley T, Shepherd BE*. Two-Phase Sampling Designs for Data Validation in Settings with Covariate Measurement Error and Continuous Outcome. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series A, (Statistics in Society). 2021 Oct;184(184). 1368-1389. NIHMSID: NIHMS1763017.
ArrayWylezinski LS, Harris CR**, Heiser CN, Gray JD, Spurlock CF. Influence of ... and county vaccination rates on machine learning models to predict COVID-19 case growth in Tennessee. BMJ health & care informatics. 2021 Sep;28(28).
ArrayKozek K, Wada Y, Sala L, Denjoy I, Egly C, O'Neill MJ, Aiba T, Shimizu W, Makita N, Ishikawa T, Crotti L, Spazzolini C, Kotta MC, Dagradi F, Castelletti S, Pedrazzini M, Gnecchi M, Leenhardt A, Salem JE, Ohno S, Zuo Y**, Glazer AM, Mosley JD, Roden DM, Knollmann BC, Blume JD*, Extramiana F, Schwartz PJ, Horie M, Kroncke BM. Estimating the Posttest Probability of Long QT Syndrome Diagnosis for Rare Variants. Circulation. Genomic and precision medicine. 2021 Aug;14(14). e003289. NIHMSID: NIHMS1724675.
ArrayMcKnight CD, Trujillo P, Lopez AM, Petersen K, Considine C, Lin YC**, Yan Y**, Kang H*, Donahue MJ, Claassen DO. Diffusion along perivascular spaces reveals evidence supportive of glymphatic function impairment in Parkinson disease. Parkinsonism & related disorders. 2021 Aug;89(89). 98-104. NIHMSID: NIHMS1724373.
ArrayGray JD, Harris CR**, Wylezinski LS, Spurlock Iii CF. Predictive modeling of COVID-19 case growth highlights evolving racial and ethnic risk factors in Tennessee and Georgia. BMJ health & care informatics. 2021 Aug;28(28).
ArrayTrujillo P, Roman OC, Hay KR, Juttukonda MR, Yan Y**, Kang H*, Paranjape SY, Garland EM, Shibao CA, Biaggioni I, Donahue MJ, Claassen DO. Elevated cerebral blood flow in patients with pure autonomic failure. Clinical autonomic research : official journal of the Clinical Autonomic Research Society. 2021 Jun;31(31). 405-414. NIHMSID: NIHMS1787114.
ArrayMcNeer E*, Beck C*, Weeks HL**, Williams ML**, James NT**, Bejan CA, Choi L*. Building longitudinal medication dose data using medication information extracted from clinical notes in electronic health records. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA. 2021 Mar 18;28(28). 782-790.
ArrayTao R*, Lotspeich SC**, Amorim G*, Shaw PA, Shepherd BE*. Efficient semiparametric inference for two-phase studies with outcome and covariate measurement errors. Statistics in medicine. 2021 Feb 10;40(40). 725-738. NIHMSID: NIHMS1704093.
ArrayStarnes JR, Di Gravio C**, Irlmeier R*, Moore R*, Okoth V, Rogers A, Ressler DJ, Moon TD. Characterizing multidimensional poverty in Migori County, Kenya and its association with depression. PloS one. 16(16). e0259848.
ArrayBanerdt JK, Mateyo K, Yan Y**, Liu D*, Zuo Y**, Di Gravio C**, Thome JC**, Riviello ED, Saylor D, Ely EW, Heimburger DC. Risk factors for delirium among hospitalized patients in Zambia. PloS one. 16(16). e0249097.
ArrayKostelanetz S, Di Gravio C**, Schildcrout JS*, Roumie CL, Conway D, Kripalani S. Should we implement geographic or patient-reported ... measures in cardiovascular patients. Ethnicity & disease. 31(31). 9-22.
ArrayKey AP, Yan Y**, Metelko M, Chang C, Kang H*, Pilkington J, Corbett BA. Greater Social Competence Is Associated With Higher Interpersonal Neural Synchrony in Adolescents With Autism. Frontiers in human neuroscience. 15(15). 790085 p.
ArrayJaneway MG, Zhao X, Rosenthaler M, Zuo Y**, Balasubramaniyan K, Poulson M, Neufeld M, Siracuse JJ, Takahashi CE, Allee L, Dechert T, Burke PA, Li F, Kalesan B. Clinical diagnostic phenotypes in hospitalizations due to self-inflicted firearm injury. Journal of affective disorders. 2021 Jan 1;278(278). 172-180.
ArrayPfalzer AC, Hale LM, Huitz E, Buchanan DA, Brown BK, Moroz S, Rouleau RM, Hay KR, Hoadley J, Laird A, Ciriegio AE, Watson KH, Jones MT, Lin YC**, Kang H*, Riordan H, Isaacs DA, McDonell KE, Compas BE, Claassen DO. Healthcare Delivery and Huntington's Disease During the Time of COVID-19. Journal of Huntington's disease. 10(10). 313-322.
ArrayKumaran K, Joshi SM, Di Gravio C**, Lubree H, Joglekar C, Bhat D, Kinare A, Bavdekar A, Bhave S, Pandit A, Osmond C, Yajnik C, Fall C. Do components of adult height predict body composition and cardiometabolic risk in a young adult South Asian Indian population? Findings from a hospital-based cohort study in Pune, India: Pune Children's Study. BMJ open. 2020 Dec 7;10(10). e036897.
ArrayKalesan B, Zhao S, Poulson M, Neufeld M, Dechert T, Siracuse JJ, Zuo Y**, Li F. Intersections of Firearm Suicide, Drug-Related Mortality, and Economic Dependency in Rural America. The Journal of surgical research. 2020 Dec;256(256). 96-102.
ArrayLotspeich SC**, Jarrett RT**, Epstein RA, Shaffer AM, Gracey K, Cull MJ, Raman R*. Incidence and neighborhood-level determinants of child welfare involvement. Child abuse & neglect. 2020 Nov;109(109). 104767 p.
ArrayLangerman A, Brelsford KM, Diehl CJ, Harris CR**, Stewart TG*. Trust as a Predictor of Patient Perceptions Regarding Overlapping Surgery and Trainee Independence. The Laryngoscope. 2020 Nov;130(130). 2728-2735.
ArrayLi X, Sigworth EA**, Wu AH, Behrens J, Etemad SA, Nagpal S, Go RS, Wuichet K, Chen EJ, Rubinstein SM, Venepalli NK, Tillman BF, Cowan AJ, Schoen MW, Malty A, Greer JP, Fernandes HD, Seifter A, Chen Q*, Chowdhery RA, Mohan SR, Dewdney SB, Osterman T, Ambinder EP, Buchbinder EI, Schwartz C, Abraham I, Rioth MJ, Singh N, Sharma S, Gibson MK, Yang PC, Warner JL. Seven decades of chemotherapy clinical trials: a pan-cancer social network analysis. Scientific reports. 2020 Oct 16;10(10). 17536 p.
ArrayGifford KA, Liu D*, Neal JE**, Acosta LMY, Bell SP, Wiggins ME, Wisniewski KM, Godfrey M, Logan LA, Hohman TJ, Pechman KR, Libon DJ, Blennow K, Zetterberg H, Jefferson AL. Validity and Normative Data for the Biber Figure Learning Test: A Visual Supraspan Memory Measure. Assessment. 2020 Sep;27(27). 1320-1334. NIHMSID: NIHMS982574.
ArrayXiong J**, Hswen Y, Naslund JA. Digital Surveillance for Monitoring Environmental Health Threats: A Case Study Capturing Public Opinion from Twitter about the 2019 Chennai Water Crisis. International journal of environmental research and public health. 2020 Jul 14;17(17).
ArrayKroncke BM, Smith DK*, Zuo Y**, Glazer AM, Roden DM, Blume JD*. A Bayesian method to estimate variant-induced disease penetrance. PLoS genetics. 2020 Jun;16(16). e1008862.
ArrayChoi L*, Beck C*, McNeer E*, Weeks HL**, Williams ML**, James NT**, Niu X, Abou-Khalil BW, Birdwell KA, Roden DM, Stein CM, Bejan CA, Denny JC, Van Driest SL. Development of a System for Postmarketing Population Pharmacokinetic and Pharmacodynamic Studies Using Real-World Data From Electronic Health Records. Clinical pharmacology and therapeutics. 2020 Apr;107(107). 934-943. NIHMSID: NIHMS1557620.
ArrayLotspeich SC**, Giganti MJ**, Maia M, Vieira R, Machado DM, Succi RC, Ribeiro S, Pereira MS, Rodriguez MF, Julmiste G, Luque MT, Caro-Vega Y, Mejia F, Shepherd BE*, McGowan CC, Duda SN. Self-audits as alternatives to travel-audits for improving data quality in the Caribbean, Central and South America network for HIV epidemiology. Journal of clinical and translational science. 2020 Apr;4(4). 125-132.
ArrayGandelman JS, Khan OA*, Shuey MM, Neal JE**, McNeer E*, Dickson A, Barnado A, Wang L*, Anandi P, Dupont WD*, Stein CM, Chung CP. Increased Incidence of Resistant Hypertension in Patients With Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: A Retrospective Cohort Study. Arthritis care & research. 2020 Apr;72(72). 534-543. NIHMSID: NIHMS1016775.
ArrayWeeks HL**, Beck C*, McNeer E*, Williams ML**, Bejan CA, Denny JC, Choi L*. medExtractR: A targeted, customizable approach to medication extraction from electronic health records. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association : JAMIA. 2020 Mar 1;27(27). 407-418.
ArrayBlevins Peratikos M*, Weeks HL**, Pisansky AJB, Yong RJ, Stringer EA. Effect of Preoperative Opioid Use on Adverse Outcomes, Medical Spending, and Persistent Opioid Use Following Elective Total Joint Arthroplasty in the United States: A Large Retrospective Cohort Study of Administrative Claims Data. Pain medicine (Malden, Mass.). 2020 Mar 1;21(21). 521-531.
ArrayTian Y**, Hothorn T, Li C, Harrell FE*, Shepherd BE*. An empirical comparison of two novel transformation models. Statistics in medicine. 2020 Feb;39(39). 562-576. NIHMSID: NIHMS1633608.
ArrayBelaunzaran-Zamudio PF, Caro-Vega Y, Giganti MJ**, Castilho JL, Crabtree-Ramirez BE, Shepherd BE*, Mejía F, Cesar C, Moreira RC, Wolff M, Pape JW, Padgett D, McGowan CC, Sierra-Madero JG. Frequency of non-communicable diseases in people 50 years of age and older receiving HIV care in Latin America. PloS one. 15(15). e0233965.
ArrayRubinstein SM, Sigworth EA**, Etemad S, Martin RL, Chen Q*, Warner JL. Indication of Measures of Uncertainty for Statistical Significance in Abstracts of Published Oncology Trials: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. JAMA network open. 2019 Dec 2;2(2). e1917530.
ArrayMaiga A, Farjah F, Blume J*, Deppen S, Welty VF**, D'Agostino RS, Colditz GA, Kozower BD, Grogan EL. Risk Prediction in Clinical Practice: A Practical Guide for Cardiothoracic Surgeons. The Annals of thoracic surgery. 2019 Nov;108(108). 1573-1582. NIHMSID: NIHMS1774243.
ArrayGifford KA, Bell SP, Liu D*, Neal JE**, Turchan M, Shah AS, Jefferson AL. Frailty Is Related to Subjective Cognitive Decline in Older Women without Dementia. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society. 2019 Sep;67(67). 1803-1811. NIHMSID: NIHMS1026400.
ArrayChaganti S, Welty VF**, Taylor W, Albert K, Failla MD, Cascio C, Smith S, Mawn L, Resnick SM, Beason-Held LL, Bagnato F, Lasko T, Blume JD*, Landman BA. Discovering novel disease comorbidities using electronic medical records. PloS one. 14(14). e0225495.
ArrayJefferson AL, Cambronero FE, Liu D*, Moore EE, Neal JE**, Terry JG, Nair S, Pechman KR, Rane S, Davis LT, Gifford KA, Hohman TJ, Bell SP, Wang TJ, Beckman JA, Carr JJ. Higher Aortic Stiffness Is Related to Lower Cerebral Blood Flow and Preserved Cerebrovascular Reactivity in Older Adults. Circulation. 2018 Oct 30;138(138). 1951-1962. NIHMSID: NIHMS1500549.
ArrayCambronero FE, Liu D*, Neal JE**, Moore EE, Gifford KA, Terry JG, Nair S, Pechman KR, Osborn KE, Hohman TJ, Bell SP, Sweatt JD, Wang TJ, Beckman JA, Carr JJ, Jefferson AL. APOE genotype modifies the association between central arterial stiffening and cognition in older adults. Neurobiology of aging. 2018 Jul;67(67). 120-127. NIHMSID: NIHMS960031.
ArrayGifford KA, Liu D*, Neal JE**, Babicz MA, Thompson JL*, Walljasper LE, Wiggins ME, Turchan M, Pechman KR, Osborn KE, Acosta LMY, Bell SP, Hohman TJ, Libon DJ, Blennow K, Zetterberg H, Jefferson AL. The 12-Word Philadelphia Verbal Learning Test Performances in Older Adults: Brain MRI and Cerebrospinal Fluid Correlates and Regression-Based Normative Data. Dementia and geriatric cognitive disorders extra. 8(8). 476-491.