Marques Bradshaw Co-Authors Article in Academic Radiology on Diversity & Inclusion

Marques Bradshaw, MD, MSCR, Associate Professor of Clinical Radiology and Radiological Sciences and Vice Chair of Diversity Affairs, has joined forces with Toma Omofoye, MD, Associate Professor in the Department of Breast Imaging at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, to co-author an article published in Academic Radiology titled, "The Emerging Diverse Radiology Workplace: Case Studies on the Importance of Inclusion in Radiology Training Programs."

The article explains that although radiology is one of the least diverse fields in medicine, society leadership and radiologists are now taking the very necessary steps to improve diversity, equity and inclusion. Using case studies from real-life residency programs, Dr. Bradshaw and Dr. Omofoye describe the challenges associated with being a member of an underrepresented minority group in radiology—and outline concepts in inclusion—with the goal of improving workforce diversity and team effectiveness.

Read the entire article here.