VUMC Radiology Faculty Publish Article on Diversity and Well-Being in ‘Academic Radiology’

A new publication in Academic Radiology highlights the relationship between diversity and well-being, noting that these two things work together and should not be treated as separate entities.

“The Intersection of Diversity and Well-Being” was accepted for publication in late February, and provides information to creating a workspace that allows for all voices to be heard in radiology.

Three VUMC Radiology faculty who hold leadership roles contributed to this multi-institution work. Lori Deitte, MD, Vice Chair of Education, Elizabeth Snyder, MD, Vice Chair of Wellbeing and Culture, and Courtney Tomblinson, MD, Director of Women in Radiology all offered valuable and unique perspectives to the subject.

“We invite you to choose one strategy you would like to explore further,” the authors say. “Commit to learning a little more each day. Consider an action item where you can make a difference. We all have the privilege and should find ways to help those with less privilege to make the world a better place.”