Place an Order

Service requests are placed through iLab (


iLab Instructions

VU/VUMC Account Basics and Setting up a New User Account

External (non VU/VUMC users) Account Basics and Setting Up a New User Account

Office of Research iLab help and User Guide



VUMC users: Contact your department administrator if your funding source isn’t available in the iLab system. Do not create a PO in the payment section.

VU users: Have your department administrator complete this web form request to add your funding source: VU Billing Number Request. Do not create a PO in the payment section.

External (non-VUMC/VU) users: 

  • Create a PO number in the payment section when you place an order in iLab. This can be a true PO number or a reference name/number that you want to use for recurring orders. If you use a reference name/number and receive a true PO number later, you can go back into your order and update the payment information. When you acquire a true PO is up to you and your institutional policies. Some get a PO ahead of time and reference it in their order, and others wait until they receive an invoice before submitting for a PO.
  • Vanderbilt does not accept payment by credit card. When you receive an invoice for completed work, please submit it to your Procurement Office requesting payment to VUMC as per the “Remit Payment To” instructions on each invoice. 
  • VUMC Cores must manually assign pricing for new external users. If you get a "Validation failed" error when trying to place a request send an email to Dale Edgerton. Price assignment usually takes several days to process. ​​​


When your results are ready you will receive an iLab email directing you to your request where the data will be attached. See here for more information.


Pricing is subject to change. Rates are provided for budgetary purposes only. Actual costs will be charged at rates in effect at the time the work is completed.


​​​***This core is supported by NIH grant DK020593 (DRTC). Please include an acknowledgment in your publications***