Past/maintenance projects

Click linked project names for additional information.

CUSPContemporary Uro-oncologic Specimen Protocol Biorepository

ICAREInherited CAncer REgistry 

IVYInfluenza and Other Viruses in the AcutelY Ill Network

  • Completed: IVY3–5

LCMCLung Cancer Mutation Consortium studies

MVTCP TPSRMeharry-Vanderbilt-Tennessee State Cancer Partnership - Tissue Pathology Shared Resource Biorepository 

NOAAC iSGSNOrth American Airway Collaborative Prospective Pragmatic (PR-02) study: Treatment selection in idiopathic SubGlottic Stenosis 

Risk prediction model for the diagnosis of blood stream infection in febrile pediatric oncology patients without severe neutropenia 

RVTNRespiratory Virus Transmission Network

  • Completed: RVTN1

SepSIGN: Early Identification of Sepsis SIGNs in Emergency Department

The Thoracic Biorepository at Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center 

TIPSTool for Inherited cancer Predisposition counseling and testing Study

Vanderbilt Hereditary Cancer Registry


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