US Permanent Residents qualify for NIBIB T32 Training Grant.
The VUIIS faculty is comprised of experienced and expert research scientists engaged in the development and applications of a comprehensive array of in vivo biomedical imaging methods. Imaging provides a compendium of powerful techniques not only for patient care but also the study of biological structure and function. Imaging can provide uniquely valuable information about tissue composition, morphology and function, as well as quantitative descriptions of many fundamental biological processes. Continuing technical developments have expanded the applications of imaging to new areas of biology such as the study of brain function and gene expression. There is a critical need for imaging scientists trained in different techniques and modalities, knowledgeable about the ideas that are common to all imaging, and able to relate imaging to applications in biology and medicine. Our program provides a comprehensive graduate training in imaging science within the context of a leading research medical center, a unique, dedicated Institute of Imaging Science, and strong science and engineering departments. We propose a comprehensive training program for 4 outstanding pre-doctoral scientists who would each be supported for 2 years. Students in biomedical imaging will be enrolled in one of several existing graduate programs but will mainly be admitted via our programs in Chemical and Physical Biology or Biomedical Engineering. We will emphasize recruiting graduates with backgrounds in the physical and quantitative sciences. Trainees will receive thorough and exemplary instruction in all of the cognate areas relevant to biomedical imaging and its applications. They will be co-mentored by imaging science faculty as well as collaborating clinicians and biological scientists. Although enrolled in different programs, all trainees in imaging will share a common set of courses, rotations and other experiences, which will overseen and administered by the Institute. The training program incorporates didactic courses, a program of rotations and research experiences, and a dissertation research project. The research opportunities include active, funded projects in nearly all major imaging modalities and areas of imaging science. Trainees have access to outstanding facilities including three research-dedicated human MR systems (2 at 3T and one 7T); animal MR systems at 4.7T, 7T, 9.4T and 15T; high resolution ultrasound imaging; X-ray and optical imaging; microCT, microSPECT and microPET; and extensive chemistry, radiochemistry and other laboratories. Trainees are mentored in the ethics and methods of biomedical research, as well as in grant writing and other important career skills. The programs, personnel, and facilities at Vanderbilt provide unique opportunities for pre-doctoral students to receive exemplary training in biomedical imaging science.
Formal Education Opportunities
Graduate training in imaging science is available through several of the University's academic departments and programs. On the main campus, there are students enrolled in degree programs in the Departments of Biomedical Engineering, Chemistry, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Physics and Astronomy, and Neuroscience who are being advised by VUIIS faculty. In the medical center, there are students enrolled in the Chemical and Physical Biology PhD Program who are being advised by VUIIS faculty. There are also many graduate students in other main university or medical center departments who, while not pursuing graduate education in imaging science per se, use imaging and spectroscopic methods in order to answer fundamental questions in Psychology, Physiology, and other disciplines.
Informal Education Opportunities
The VUIIS sponsors a number of informational educational opportunities. These include:
- Journal and data clubs:Currently, there are journal clubs that focus on Cellular and Molecular Imaging, Metabolic Imaging, Molecular Probe Development, Cancer Imaging, Diffusion Tensor Imaging, Psychiatric Neuroimaging/VUIIS Functional MRI Methods, human MRI/MRS Pulse Programming, and 7T MRI/MRS.
- VUIIS Weekly Research Seminar: The VUIIS sponsors a research seminar that meets on Friday of each week. This provides an outstanding venue for trainees to give progress reports on their research and hear full research presentations from VUIIS faculty and distinguished external speakers. Attendance at this seminar is expected for all VUIIS trainees.
- VUIIS Annual Research Retreat: The retreat occurs in the spring or early summer of each year. All VUIIS personnel attend this 3 day/2 night event and present progress reports and plans for the upcoming year. The retreat is held in another city; past retreats have taken place in Chattanooga, Memphis, Louisville, Huntsville, Knoxville, and Birmingham.
- VUIIS Scientific Communication Seminars: In this seminar series, we explore scientific communication, a key component of the scientific process linking an idea to a published result: from formulating, describing, and defending a research plan; to communicating results in talks, posters, and journal articles. The seminar is taught coincidentally with CPB 315/316.
- VUIIS Career Development Series: The aim of this class series is to provide education in non-academic topics that are critical to success in the sciences and engineering. Previous topics have included "Giving Effective Oral Presentations About Science,” “Finding a Job in Academia,”, “Professional Expectations in the Academic Environment,” and “Federal Funding 101.” Suggestions for future topics may be sent to Bruce Damon.
Research Training
The hallmark of graduate education is research training. The more than 40 core VUIIS faculty members represent a broad spectrum of interests within imaging science, including understanding the fundamental physical and chemical interactions of biological tissues with the energy that allows imaging and produces contrast; the development of new imaging methods (such as MRI pulse sequences or approaches to image analysis) that result in novel sources of contrast; the development of molecular imaging contrast agents for understanding cellular and molecular physiology; hardware engineering for imaging; imaging applications in applied physiology and clinical studies; new image processing methods; and more. Their activities are supported by more than 45 NIH research project grants and similar awards, totaling more than 14 million dollars in annual direct research funds.
Support for graduate students comes from three sources
- Regular research grants such as those described above
- Teaching assistantships provided by the home departments
- Training grants. VUIIS has two institutional training grants supported by the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering, which includes four post-doctoral fellows and four graduate students. In addition, eight post-doctoral fellows are supported for training by the National Cancer Institute. This allows them to obtain broad-based education and training in a wide variety of imaging approaches. After the two-year support period ends, they are typically supported by a regular research grant. Depending on the student's research question, support may be available from one of Vanderbilt's other training grants; also, eligible graduate students are encouraged to apply for individual NIH training grants. Note that federally sponsored training grants are typically available only to US citizens and permanent residents.
Campus Resources to Support Graduate Education
There are a wide range of professional development activities for graduate students at VU, both at the main campus and at VUMC. On the main campus, these activities are coordinated by the Graduate Student Professional and Personal Development (GSPPD) Collaborative. This program describes itself as "an informal network of faculty, administrators, and students at Vanderbilt University that seeks to facilitate the awareness and use of the many programs that can help students become productive and well-rounded scholars." Their activities include acting as a clearinghouse for campus activities for supporting graduate students, announcing funding opportunities, and sponsoring and advertising workshops and other events. The Office of Biomedical Research Education and Training (BRET) provides similar activities on the medical center side of campus. Other campus resources include:
- The VU Psychological and Counseling Center provides individual and group counseling, assessment, and organizational consulting.
- Career Services include the Vanderbilt Career Center and the BRET Office of Career Development and Outcomes Analysis, each of which lists available positions. Other resources include workshops, seminars, and alumni networking.
- Writing and Language Support Services, including the Vanderbilt English Language Center and the Vanderbilt Editors' Club, which is sponsored by BRET.
- Services for International Students are coordinated by the International Students and Scholars Services office.
- The Graduate Student Council, which includes student delegates from the academic departments and programs. The council 1) coordinates academic and social programs for graduate students, and 2) acts as a communication conduit between students and the Graduate College.
Core Curriculum
- BME 4400 (Introduction to Medical Imaging)
- BME 4420 (Quantitative and Functional Imaging)
- BME 5400 (Foundations of Medical Imaging)
- BME 7420 (Magnetic Resonance Imaging Methods)
- BME 7430 (Cancer Imaging)
- BME 7440 (Neuroimaging)
- BME 7450 (Advanced Quantitative and Functional Imaging)