Vanderbilt University Health Plan Services

The Vanderbilt University Health Plan uses Navitus Health Solutions for employee and dependent prescription management. Please note the following information regarding the Vanderbilt Health Plan prescription benefit:

Employees can continue to pick up 90 day supplies of their covered medications at any Vanderbilt Pharmacy.

  • Mail order service will be available only through the Vanderbilt Pharmacy. For more information, please CLICK HERE.
  • Specialty pharmacy services will be available only through the Vanderbilt Pharmacy. For more information, please CLICK HERE.
  • Limited generic medications will be available at $1 for 30 days supply and $3 for 90 days supply only from Vanderbilt Pharmacies. For more information, please CLICK HERE.

To access the Navitus web site and determine what medications are covered and their copayments, please CLICK HERE.

To access the full formulary of covered medications, please CLICK HERE.

DescriptionThe VU Health Plan Service provides contracted pharmacy management services from the VU Department of Pharmacy to VU Human Resources Department. These services are designed to increase the quality and value of health care provided to VU employees, and they include
  • input on benefit design
  • consultation on special medication requests
  • counseling sessions by appointment for employees
  • interventions by the plan
Prescription Benefits

All medications available to VU employees are available from the VU Pharmacies including Specialty Medications.

To access the VU Human Resource webpage explaining the prescription drug benefit, CLICK HERE.

Request for ServiceEmployees may request a one-on-one consultation with the pharmacist by appointment. At the appointment, the pharmacist will
  • evaluate your current medication therapy
  • determine what changes, if any, would be recommended to increase quality and decrease cost
  • inquire if the pharmacist could assist in making any of the recommended changes
Contact Informationtel: 615.322.1909
fax: 615.936.1893
ContactRusty Catlin