Research and Training Programs

Pediatric Anesthesia Training in Africa (PATA)

The Pediatric Anesthesia Training in Africa (PATA) program aims to improve perioperative care for children by building education capacity for pediatric anesthesia training at teaching hospitals across the continent. The primary objective of PATA is to support the development of five new pediatric anesthesia fellowship programs in five African countries. Currently, PATA supports fellowships in Nigeria, Zambia, and Uganda. 

Vanderbilt-Zambia Cancer Research Training Program (VZCARE)

In partnership with the University of Zambia (UNZA) and the Zambia Cancer Diseases Hospital (CDH), the Vanderbilt Institute for Global Health, the Vanderbilt Epidemiology Center and the Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center received $1.3 million for a five-year training grant funded by the National Cancer Institute to support cancer epidemiology research in Zambia.

UNZA-Vanderbilt Partnership for HIV-NCD Research (UVP-2)

The UNZA-Vanderbilt Training Partnership for HIV-Nutrition-Metabolic Research (UVP-1) and the UNZA-Vanderbilt Partnership for HIV-NCD Research (UVP-2) continue a longstanding training collaboration between the University of Zambia School of Medicine/University Teaching Hospital (UNZA/UTH), Vanderbilt University (VU) and the Vanderbilt Institute for Global Health (VIGH).