Nursing Student Placement: School Affiliation Agreements

VUMC has established affiliate relationships with accredited programs to provide clinical rotation opportunities for the following students:

  • Undergraduate Nursing
  • Physician Assistant
  • Sterile Processing
  • Paramedic
  • Medical Assistant
  • Masters of Nursing
  • Doctorate of Nursing 
  • Nurse Practitioner
  • Midwifery
  • Anesthesia Tech

Affiliate relationships between VUMC and participating schools* are necessary to verify:

  • The student's role and responsibilities during clinical rotations while at VUMC and the role of their assigned preceptor(s)
  • Appropriate criteria and objectives are able to be met by the student’s participation in clinical rotations 


*Steps to establish an affiliation with VUMC if your school is not an approved community-affiliated school

  • Contact your school’s administrator in charge of managing student placement affiliation agreements with healthcare facilities (i.e. Clinical Coordinator).
  • Have them contact to start the process of creating an affiliation agreement

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