Nursing Student Placement: Advanced Practice Student Placement

Students in the following programs:

  • Nurse Practitioner
  • Physician Assistant
  • DNP students 

If Student has a Preferred Preceptor

Students must complete a placement request form ahead of the semester the preceptorship will occur. Completed request forms will be reviewed to clear the student for a rotation at VUMC. The completion of a request form does not guarantee clinical placement with the preferred preceptor.  An available preceptor within the clinical area may be offered, but not guaranteed. Forms received following the placement request form deadlines may result in delayed start dates for approved rotations.




Student Placement
Request Form Timeline

Semester of

Request Form Deadline

Notification Deadline

2024 Placement
(August 1-December 31) 

 May 1, 2024

June 10, 2024 

Spring 2025 Placement
(January 1 - April 30)

 October 1, 2024

 November 11, 2024

2025 Placement 
(May 1-July 31)

 February 1, 2025

 March 7, 2025

If Student Requests VUMC to Identify a Preceptor

Students in need of a VUMC preceptor (NP, PA-C, or Midwife) can request VUMC to identify a preceptor on their behalf. Completed forms will be reviewed to match applicants with advanced practice preceptors within the students’ clinical area of interest based on preceptor availability. Students may also indicate a preferred preceptor on their request form at the time of completion, if known. If you have questions, please email



Placement Request Form Instructions

• The placement request form will need to be completed in full prior to review by VUMC.
• Placement request forms submitted will be reviewed equally.
• You will be notified by regarding your placement request form as noted on the timeline above. 
• Status updates cannot be provided prior to notification deadlines.  
• If matched with a provider, there is no guarantee that all clinical hours can be completed with the provider.  
• The completion of a placement request form does not guarantee clinical placement.


The VUMC Student Placement team may share applicable components of your placement request form with potential preceptors and advanced practice leadership in search of a placement match.

Because VUMC has a high demand for preceptorships, especially in specialty clinical areas like Pediatrics and Women’s Health, we strongly encourage you not to limit your search for clinical placement options to one organization.

If you have any questions regarding any clinical experiences, please contact Student Placement directly at


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