Person Directory Page

A Person Directory Page displays a list of Person content you have created.

Choose Person Directory Page from + Create Content in the black administrative toolbar.

You should see these fields:

Title This is the title of your directory.

Directory Description This field is optional. The text in this field will appear at the top of your directory. This field uses the text editor. See the “Text Editing” section for more details.

Layout Select List to present your page in list format. If you select this format, you will have options appear below to customize what is shown on the directory page. Select Photo Grid to present your page in a grid of photos. By default, the Vanderbilt “V” will show if not photo is available for a person.

People to Display Here you can group people together into categories. Group Title is the name of your grouping category, but is optional. 

Populating your Person Directory Page with People Created through the Person Template

To populate your directory with Person pages you’ve already created (see Person section above for more information), select each person in the dropdown fields under Person(s) from your site to include. You can sort within a group manually by checking that option under Sorting and then drag and drop in the order you prefer. Sorting in alphabetical order by last name is the default. Continue making as many groups as you need. You can drag and drop the order of the groups as well. Save the page when you’re finished.

Removing a Person Created through the Person Template from your Person Directory Page

To remove a person from your directory that was created manually from our person template, find their name in one of the dropdowns and change it to “none.” When you save the page, they’ll be removed from the directory.

Populating your Person Directory Page from the Faculty Database

If this option is checked, you will be able to choose search terms to use for pulling live information from the School of Medicine Faculty Database. Otherwise, this category can include the people you have created on your site and assigned to this group manually.

Department You must select at least one department and you may select more than one.

Affiliation  An affiliation is a group that can be made of faculty across several departments. For example, you may want to include faculty that are part of a center or program.

Appointment Types Leave this field blank to include all appointment types, or select as many or as few as you need.

VUNetIDs Leave this field blank to include everyone that meet the Department and Appointment Types criteria. To narrow to specific people, list their VUNetIDs. Separate multiple VUNetIDs by commas.

Excluded VUNetIDs Use this field to exclude any VUNetIDs from the Department or Appointment Types selected. Separate multiple VUNetIDs by commas.

You can add as many searches from the Faculty Database to a group as you need. You can also include persons from your site that have been added manually. If you choose to mix people added from the Faculty Database and manually, you can only sort alphabetically by last name.

Removing a Person created from the Faculty Database from your Person Directory Page

To remove a person from your directory that was populated from the faculty database, you can use the Exclude VUNetIDs field. However, if a faculty member’s appointment lapses or expires, they will automatically be removed from your directory pages.