Elizabeth Jane Phillips, M.D.

Co-Director PC-SWG, Professor of Medicine and Pharmacology
Director Personalized Immunology in the Oates Institute, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine

Elizabeth Phillips, MD serves as Co-Director of PC-SWG.  She is Professor of Medicine and Pharmacology, and Director of Personalized Immunology in the Oates Institute of the VU Division of Clinical Pharmacology. She has been immensely successful in answering important scientific questions about variation in drug responses, in particular interactions between drugs and the immune system. Most of this work has focused on drug toxicities such as hypersensitivity syndromes and drugs used to treat HIV, including key leadership roles in establishing HLA-B*57:01 as a risk factor for abacavir hypersensitivity and studies identifying HLA risk alleles for nevirapine toxicity. Dr. Phillips’ expertise and extensive track record of successful collaborations related to human genomic variation and HIV/AIDS treatment outcomes make her an ideal Co-Director for the PC-SWG.