Oct 18, 2016: What’s new in the toxicology lab?

The toxicology section of Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s Diagnostic Laboratories serves patients treated at VUH, VCH, One Hundred Oaks, and a variety of other clinics in the Middle Tennessee region.  Our specialized test menu includes confirmations for a variety of common drugs of abuse, analysis of toxic alcohols including ethylene glycol, and general unknown drug screens.  Our test directory is available at www.labvu.com.  We are fully staffed 7am-4pm Monday-Friday, with limited staffing on evenings and weekends.  We are very pleased to offer interpretive services for any of the tests we perform.  These services are provided by our staff, which includes board certified clinical chemists, and can be requested by email (toxicologyconsult@vanderbilt.edu) or telephone (615-322-0163).


This question prepared by:  Jennifer Colby, PhD, Medical Director of Toxicology and Esoteric Chemistry, Vanderbilt University Medical Center.


Dr. Colby is now the Director of the Toxicology Laboratory.  She has provided us with an update of their services./ds


I am interested in any questions you would like answered in the Question of the Week.  Please email me with any suggestion at donna.seger@vanderbilt.edu


Donna Seger, MD
Medical Director

Tennessee Poison Center


Poison Help Hotline: 1-800-222-1222