Merge User Profiles

The instructions below detail how to merge two profiles into one.  Credits, system permissions, courses in progress, etc. will be included in the merge.  Note that this is one of the few things within CloudCME that cannot be undone, please merge carefully.

CME Associates/Owners currently do not have the ability to merge accounts, with the exception of Quiz Time program managers.  If a merge is needed, please contact the CME Office.

If a learner has left VUMC and no longer has access to their VUnetID, there is no need for them to set up a second profile and then merge (although they may have already set up a second profile on their own).   Or if a user has a VU and VUMC profile and they need to be merged into one.  Instructions to help these users here.

If a learner still has VUMC credentials, you should always merge the non-VUMC account into it.