Email/flyer/brochure/signup page required language for a Quiz Time CME activity

The document below contains all ACCME required information when advertising for a Quiz Time CME activity.   This includes pre-course announcements (a real example is included below).  Note that if CME credit is not mentioned in the email/brocher/flyer/etc., this language is not needed.  However, if advertising CME credit, all pieces are required.  An example is also included.

Quiz Time recruitment guidelines (and example)

Example pre and post course emails.  These contain all required compliance info plus additional CloudCME profile instructions, help contacts, etc.

Pre-Quiz Announcement_VHAN Diabetes

Post Quiz Announcement_VHAN Diabetes

The document below contains all ACCME required information for pages where Quiz Time CME learners are signing up for an activity as well as an example.  Note that there is a lot of overlap between these requirements and the advertising requirements above.  If it’s easier, advertising can always provide a link to the static sign up page rather than duplicate the information.
