Courses On Demand

If you do not see an in-person session that will meet your schedule or in the event we do not have a current offering, remember that you can satisfy your human subjects training requirement using one of the following eLearning options.


Initial Training Completion

VUMC Users: The Learning Exchange. Search for the module “Human Subjects Protections: Basic Course". Go to: Learning Exchange

VU UsersOracle: After logging into Oracle, select the “Learning” tile. Then, at the bottom of the page, select “search” to be able to search the entire learning catalogue. Then you can search for “HRPP Basic” and select HRPP Basic Module for initial human subjects training.

**The HRPP Basic Module has been updated to include changes from the revised Common Rule.


Annual/Refresher/Recertification Training Completion:

If you only need a Refresher course and have completed the Basic Module, you may choose any ONE of the "HRPP" modules to complete. 

*Retaking a completed course will not satisfy the annual requirement. A different course must be selected.


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