Planning on traveling internationally?
Per Finance Policy 4.9 (34865), effective July 1, 2020, all international travelers are required to complete an International Travel Questionnaire or "ITQ" survey at least 10 business days before your international departure.
Please find the link to the ITQ and additional important guidance below.
International Travel Questionnaire "ITQ" 
When am I required to submit an ITQ for my international travel?
- Completion of an ITQ is required for each instance of international travel involving any of the following instances (even on travel of a personal nature):
- you intend on working (in any capacity) while abroad or the travel is in support of any VUMC-related business,
- you are utilizing financial support from an award or VUMC funds in support of the travel (in whole or in part),
- you will be seeking VUMC reimbursement of any portion of your international travel expenses (in whole or in part),
- you are taking VUMC-owned equipment outside of the U.S.,
OR - it may be necessary for you to access any VUMC network, program, platform, or system of any kind, from any device (VUMC-owned or personal devices), while outside of the U.S.
- e.g., email, Office 365, Teams, VPN, shared drives, network or cloud systems, etc.
International Travel Guidance
Important notes regarding your upcoming travel:
- You must receive a return approval email from the Export Compliance office for your upcoming travel before your departure to qualify for reimbursement (if applicable).
- You must receive a return approval email from the Export Compliance office for your upcoming travel before your departure to qualify for reimbursement (if applicable).
- Accessing certain information, databases, and records is prohibited from outside the United States:
- Do not access electronic health records, EPIC, the Research Derivative, or the Synthetic Derivative from outside the U.S. (regardless of the international destination)
- This includes the use of patient messaging services and any other system containing PHI/identifiable data.
- Please factor this directive into your travel plans.
- Do not access any information, technology, or data known to be or marked as "export-controlled" without BOTH of the following:
- Approval in-writing from VUMC Export Compliance (, and
- The requisite approved U.S. export control license(s) and/or license exemption (if applicable)
- Do not access electronic health records, EPIC, the Research Derivative, or the Synthetic Derivative from outside the U.S. (regardless of the international destination)
- It is important to plan ahead and think about what is being exported (laptop, equipment, information, technical data, biologicals), where you are going, who you are visiting, who you will be meeting with, etc.
- It is recommended that international travelers take a "clean" laptop on international visits.
- See the "Clean" Laptop section below for additional information.
- Once outside the US or upon your return to the US, your (VUMC or personal) devices may be subject to search or it may be seized with or without probable cause, suspicion, or warrant.
- In addition, keep in mind that many Wi-Fi networks are not secure so be sure to safeguard all business information, your personal information, and any sensitive, restricted, or proprietary data appropriately.
- If you don't need it - don't take it with you or access it while abroad! (see the pre-travel checklist below)
- It is recommended that international travelers take a "clean" laptop on international visits.
- Review the Pre-Travel Checklist (International Travel with Laptops and Mobile Devices)
- BEFORE each foreign trip, it is important to consider:
- what you are taking,
- where you are going,
- who you are working with, and
- why are the end-users collaborating with you (what is the desired end result?)
- BEFORE each foreign trip, it is important to consider:
- Before departing for your international destination, visit the VUMC Travel Safety and Security for information, requirements and safety recommendations.
- Review and understand your healthcare needs before and during your travel abroad:
- If your travel requires any form of vaccination or testing (Yellow Fever, Hep A/B, Typhoid, etc.) prior to your international departure, please visit the Occupational Health International Travel Consultation section to complete your Travel Consultation Request prior to departure.
- If necessary, you may complete their pre-travel Occupational Health Travel Consultation Request REDCap survey to be contacted directly by Occupational Health to schedule an appointment.
- Visit the VUMC Employee Travel Insurance page for specific information on VUMC-provided health care coverage (if available) while traveling outside the U.S.
- To access the Employee Travel Insurance page, click the link above, sign in, and scroll all the way to the bottom of the page to select the Traveling with Vanderbilt Health Care link (second from the bottom).
- To access the Employee Travel Insurance page, click the link above, sign in, and scroll all the way to the bottom of the page to select the Traveling with Vanderbilt Health Care link (second from the bottom).
- If your travel requires any form of vaccination or testing (Yellow Fever, Hep A/B, Typhoid, etc.) prior to your international departure, please visit the Occupational Health International Travel Consultation section to complete your Travel Consultation Request prior to departure.
For record retention, keep all documentation related to your travel for ten (10) years past the last date of recorded activity associated with your travel.
"Clean" Laptop
- VUMC recommends travelers to take a "clean" laptop on international visits.
- A clean device refers to any device (computer, tablet, phone, etc.) that does not include any export-restricted, sensitive, or controlled software, data, or information. Such devices have also not had any hardware changes nor have any attachments/accessories been modified outside of commercially available standards.
- This guidance is especially encouraged when traveling to:
- any Tier 1 or 2 countries (if approved to do so), or
any foreign location with reports** of an outright ban or those with potential governmental limits, access restrictions or requirements regarding the use of all, only "approved," or specific VPN services
** Please note: There are no dedicated employees at VUMC with expertise in understanding compliance requirements with foreign laws. Please ensure that prior to your departure from the U.S. that you fully research and understand the limitations or illegalities associated with your destination country well in advance of arrival or before attempting any form of offshore access.
Contact your local IT personnel, call the Help Desk (34357), or submit a Pegasus ticket to request a clean or loaner device during your travel.
- A clean device refers to any device (computer, tablet, phone, etc.) that does not include any export-restricted, sensitive, or controlled software, data, or information. Such devices have also not had any hardware changes nor have any attachments/accessories been modified outside of commercially available standards.
Countries of Concern
Awareness at all times is advised of the Countries of Concern (especially Tier 1 and Tier 2), as travel to, collaborative exchanges with, or sanctions on these countries, certain parties within, and/or representatives from may result in difficult or restricted travel to these locations.
Please regularly visit the link above as the countries on this list are subject to change frequently.