Assistant in / Associate in Track

The Assistant in / Associate in Track is for faculty whose profession is not formally represented in the departmental organization of VUSM, but who contribute significantly to the mission of the School. As members of the Vanderbilt faculty, all individuals on this track are expected to perform with excellence.

  • (Approved by Executive Faculty of the School of Medicine on 10/21/20)

    Promotion on the Assistant/Associate Track is designed to recognize substantial contributions beyond expected job duties that have a measurable impact on the missions of the unit, department, School, Medical Center and/or University. Promotion from ‘Assistant in’ to ‘Associate in’ is not based on time in rank, but rather is a function of demonstrated Excellence in Performance and Professional Contributions that must be demonstrated in at least one of several domains. Examples of promotable activities include:


    (Promotion considered based on excellent performance in most, but necessarily not all, of the following categories)

    1. Professional Performance

    • High quality job performance
    • Outstanding productivity
    • Significant contributions to department/division programs and/or services
    • Other contributions that demonstrate excellence

    2. Reputation for Excellence

    • Reputation among peers/community
    • Requests for consultation/input in difficult circumstances
    • Outcome metrics pertinent to professional service
    • Performance on measures of customer/patient/client satisfaction



    (Promotions considered based on exceptional contributions in at least one of the domains below)

    1. Administration and Leadership

    • Service on division, departmental, school or institutional committees
    • Contributions in an administrative or leadership role
    • Service/leadership on groups and/or committees of key service partners/programs

    2. Program Development

    • Leadership of key elements of service programs with demonstrated program success
    • Development of novel programs or expansion of program reach/impact
    • Dissemination of model programs to other groups within VU/VUMC or other organizations

    3. Patient Outcomes and Quality Improvement

    • Participation in development of guidelines or SOPs
    • Achievement in quality and process improvement
    • Evidence of being viewed as a resource for other clinical units, academic institutions, government, or industry
    • Introduction or dissemination of new methods

    4. Contributions to the Academic Mission

    • Participation in scholarly presentations and publications
    • Key contributions to major clinical trials and/or research network participation
    • Service on VU/VUMC groups that promote scholarship/research

    5. Service to the Field

    • Service or Leadership roles in local, regional, or national professional organizations
    • Delivery of continuing medical education
    • Awards for service to the field

    6. Community Education and Service

    • Delivery of community education
    • Service in community organizations that enhance health
    • Community service of a clinical nature
    • Health-related advocacy (contributions to local, state and national government organizations)
    • Awards for community service

    7. Training, mentoring

    • Reputation for successful training of colleagues/staff in service processes/programs
    • Key contributions to training and education programs that have substantial impact
    • Track record of professionals and staff who have been mentored, demonstrating success

    Appointment and Promotion to ‘Senior Associate in’

    The standards applicable for appointment or promotion to ‘Senior Associate in’ on the Assistant/Associate Track are the same as those specified above for consideration for appointment or promotion to ‘Associate in’ except that the indicators shall be significantly more developed. Time in rank is not sufficient justification for promotion to ‘Senior Associate in’. The candidate's sustained performance and professional contributions must be such that they have achieved recognition beyond the Unit or Departmental level to the Institutional level, as well as demonstration of reputation and standing outside of VUSM/VUMC.