Amy R. Boegel, Ph.D.

Manager, Research Programs

Amy joined the Center for Cognitive Medicine (CCM) in April 2018.  Prior to joining the CCM, she worked as a research coordinator at Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital at Vanderbilt where she worked with children who have chronic pain and anxiety by offering Cognitive Behavioral Therapy through a web-based program. 

Amy has worked at Vanderbilt for a number of years and had the pleasure of working in a variety of departments on various research projects to include: The Center for Quality Aging, Monroe Carell Jr. Children’s Hospital and Vanderbilt University.  Amy says she does what she loves and has no plans of leaving the field of Research or Vanderbilt anytime soon.

Amy considers herself a lifelong learner and has earned several degrees including, but not limited to a Ph.D. in Psychology.