Jonathan S. Schildcrout

Vice Chair for Research, Department of Biostatistics
Professor of Biostatistics
Office Address
2525 West End Avenue, Suite 1100
Room / Suite
Room 11117
(615) 343-5432

PhD, Biostatistics, University of Washington

Research interests include: longitudinal data studies, epidemiological study designs, health services research, diabetes and obesity prevention interventions, pharamcogenetics, resource preserving genetic testing programs for indvidualized medicine, epidemiology, predictive modeling and evaluation of predictive models, topics in pain and anesthesiology research

Honors include: Fellow, American Statistical Association (elected 2019); Golden Apple Award for Excellence in Teaching, 2015 and 2018; Methods Publication Award, 2016 

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Service includes: Associate editor, Biometrics (2016 - present); Faculty Search Committee (2005 - present; chair, 2018 - 2022); Senior Executive Committee (2018 - present); Faculty Affairs Promotion Committee (2010 - present); ENAR Regional Committee (2021 - 2023); ENAR Nominating Committee (2020 - 2021)

Member of: Society for Epidemiological Research; Society for Medical Decision Making; International Biometric Society, East North American Region (ENAR); American Statistical Association