Graduate Student Spotlight: Benem-Orom Davids

Benem-Orom Davids is a graduate student at Meharry Medical College. He graduated from Morehouse College in 2011 with his B.S. in Biology, Bioinformatics, and Public Health. He joined the Dash Lab in 2014, where they study the mechanism of HIV-1 replication and pathogenesis. Specifically, the Dash lab focuses on understanding the effects of viral and host factors on the function of viral replication complexes with an ultimate goal to identify novel antiviral targets.

Learn a bit about his research from Benem himself!



"Human TREX1 Promotes HIV-1 Integration by Preferentially Degrading Unprocessed Viral DNA."


When you were 5, what did you want to be when you grew up?

A scientist!


What was it about science that drew you to it?  

The ability to discover things that were previously unknown.


If you could study anything, what would it be?

Viruses! I am intrigued by the different ways viruses exploit our bodies to replicate as well as the important roles the ancient remnants of viruses play in processes such as memory and immune regulation.


What's next for you?

I will be joining Dr. Stephen Goff's lab for my postdoc.


Best way to pass the time while waiting on an experiment to finish:

An audiobook on Audible!


What's the most fun "socially distanced" activity you've done recently?

Building RC planes and drones.


Keep up with BenemTwitter 

Benem-Orom Davids
Graduate Student
Center for AIDS Health Disparities Research
Dr. Chandravanu Dash Lab
Meharry Medical College