Online course (enduring material) format details

Online courses in CloudCME can be set up according to the parameters below.  Please keep these in mind when designing online content.

  • Content:
    • OCPD can incorporate raw data files — standard video files, powerpoints, pdfs, and interactive SCORM files
    • Alternatively, a course can easily link to outside videos (mediasite, vimeo, etc.) in another window while doing the pre and post tests within Cloud.  The learner has a smooth experience and does not have to jump from one site to another.
  • Overall format:
    • Courses may have 1 or more modules
    • All modules must follow the format of 1 Pre-test (optional), 1 piece of content, 1 Post-test (optional, unless it is the final or only post-test of the entire course)
    • Credit must be awarded for the complete course, no partial credit is available
    • It’s not possible to require a prerequisite course, however can encourage completion in a certain order through additional text and the use of curriculum sets (BEHIP, PHiiT, etc.)
  • Test questions:
    • Question types are limited to multiple choice and True/False
    • Multiple choice questions may have a maximum of 5 possible answer choices
    • Matching and Select-All-That-Apply question types are not available at this time
    • Question stems and/or answer choices may use images, links, and/or text
    • Feedback for each question (including images, links, and/or text) can be provided to the learner.  This can be the same or different depending on which answer choice the learner selects.  For example, selecting the incorrect answer can give a suggestion of which content to review while selecting the correct answer could give a link to further resources on the topic.