Adventure Travel Guide to the Microbial World

We are a group of faculty and first year graduate students who are embarking on a travel expedition into the microbial world.  Check this site for a description of what we learn and see along the journey.   You can also follow us on Twitter!  @ClassMicro

We welcome your constructive feedback!

Targeting bacteriophage to treat bacterial infections

On Monday, January 7, 2019, Dr. Patrick Secor from the University of Montana came to give a talk titled “Targeting bacteriophage to treat bacterial infections”. This is a novel approach towards treating bacterial infections. Normally, bacteriophages are thought of as a virus that harms bacteria and not humans. How would targeting bacteriophages help treat bacterial infections? Wouldn’t this be doing the opposite, because by killing bacteriophages you’re allowing for the bacteria to persist? Perhaps not as Dr.