Holiday Safety

christmas lights and ornaments



As the holiday season begins, we need to make sure that we don’t let our excitement to decorate and celebrate with family compromise our safety. If your family is pulling out the decorations and spreading holiday cheer, take a little extra time and make sure that you’ve taken the proper safety precautions to keep your family safe.

Before you deck the halls, check this list twice:

  • Go over your lights and make sure no cords are frayed or broken.
  • Make sure you don’t add more than three strings of lights per extension cord.
  • Turn lights and electric holiday décor off before leaving the house or going to bed.
  • Make sure all outdoor décor is secured.
  • For artificial trees, make sure it has the fire-resistant label on the packaging and keep it away from fireplaces, radiators, or other heat sources. Never use electric lights on a metallic tree.
  • For live trees, make sure it’s fresh and don’t forget to water it. You know the tree is fresh if the needles bend up and down without falling off.
  • Don’t light the fireplace if there are stockings or other decorations on the mantel.
  • Avoid using older decorations. Some tinsel is lead-based.
  • If you must use a ladder, make sure the ladder has stable placement and your shoes have good traction.
  • Keep candles, matches and lighters out of the reach of children. Never leave a child alone with a lit candle.
  • Keep paper decorations away from electric or candle decorations.

Make sure your indoor décor is secured, and all trip hazards are removed. If you have small children, some of your decorations may not be safe. Consider choking hazards and make sure that all electrical connections are babyproofed. This joyous time of year can quickly end in tragedy as many traditional decorations can easily become fire safety risks. Take precautions, and keep your family safe.



U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission 

American Red Cross