April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month

Distracted Driving


Many may not know but every day in the United States there are about 8 people killed in motor vehicle crashes involving a distracted driver.[1] The first thought that probably comes to mind is the driver must have been on their phone, but distracted driving can be a wide range of scenarios. Distracted driving is defined as any activity that diverts attention from driving.[2] Think about it, that could be eating, putting on makeup, the radio, or talking with friends.          

Distractions can fall into three categories:

Some activities may fall into all 3 which makes them even more dangerous. For example, texting on the phone.



            Some numbers to think on:                                         

  • Distracted Driving is most common among teen drivers ages 15-19.
  • In 2018 nine percent of teens in motor vehicle crashes were killed in crashes that involved distracted driving.
  • In 2019 39% of students that drove within 30 days had texted or emailed while driving at least one time

What You Can Do to Help

            Everyone plays a part in making the community a safer place when it comes to distracted driving. Parents can be a good role model for their teens by not driving distracted. Parents can also discuss the dangers and consequences of driving distracted with their teen. Teens can lead by example with their peers by sending the correct message about distracted driving and encouraging others to speak up as well. Don’t give in to temptation while driving. That email and text will still be there. Get everything situated before you start driving. Saving your life and others’ lives is more important.